Renewable Energy Manufacturers in the World by Business Name Starting with G Page 13
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Renewable Energy Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with G |
Business Names Starting with G
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Gulf Batteries Co Ltd - Gulfstream Technologies - Gulin Solar Technology. Co. Ltd - Güne Enerji Sistemleri - Guodian Jintech Solar Energy (Yixing) Co., Ltd. - Guoshi Lighting Limited - GURAK ARITIM VE POMPA SAN AS - Gurit - GV Pumps ( GREEN VILLAGE PUMPS ) - GWL/Power Group - GWU-Solar GmbH - Gyrotron Technology, Inc. - GZ DPTR Energy Technology Co., Ltd. - G CAR Motors Philippines, Inc. - G. P. Sales - G.E. Digital Energy - Gaian Bioenergy - Galaxy Battery - Galaxy Products cc - Gastech Industries - GatorImports - Gauri Enterprises - Gauri Enterprises - Gautam Polymers - GE Thermometrics India Pvt Ltd - Gea Eco-system - GEA Industrial Supplies - GEEC - Geiser Argentina S.A - Gems Dc Motor - Genba Energy - GENBA Energy And Engineering Co.Ltd -
Gulf Batteries Co Ltd
The only manufacturer of Nickel Cadmium pocket plate and Lead Acid vented and flooded type, VRLA AGM batteries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. under Joint venture with ADVANCED ELECTRONICS CO, ABDULLAH AL SHUWAYER CO AND HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: batteries industrial, batteries nickel cadmium, batteries lead acid sealed AGM, batteries lead acid flooded, batteries VRLA, batteries military, battery chargers.
- Address: P. O BOX # 11152, Dammam-jubai Highway, Dammam, Eastern Region Saudi Arabia 31453
- Telephone: 00966-3-808-1472
- FAX: 00966 3 8027324
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gulf Batteries Co Ltd
Gulfstream Technologies
Gulfstream Technologies is a sub-surface technology company that is developing units to operate in fresh water applications, such as rivers, by utilizing the current to produce renewable energy.
- Business type: Renewable Energy Company
- Product types: Subsurface technology units that operate in one directional currents, rivers and streams..
- Service types: Subsurface Technology Applications
- Address: 301 E. Main Street, Olney, Texas USA 76374
- Telephone: 940-564-5682
- FAX: 940-564-5609
- Web Site:
Gulin Solar Technology. Co. Ltd
We are a chinese trading company that have the top of the line solar photovoltaic mounting system for less than what the manufacturer sells them for. We offer all kinds of solar pv mounting system on ur wish with wonderful quality and competitive price which will save u alot of time and hassle. Each and every single product from us quality guaranteed. Pls visit out website for more details. We looking forward 2 hear from you soon.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Service types: design
- Address: NO189. nan chang export manufacturing zone. china, China, Nan Chang China 330000
- Telephone: +86-0791-7682266
- FAX: 0552-2044011
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gulin Solar Technology. Co. Ltd
Güne Enerji Sistemleri
nsano lunun gün geçtikte katlanarak artan enerji ihtiyacõ, "fosil yakõtlara ba õmlõ olma" korkusunu beraberinde getirmektedir. Ba ta Avrupa olmak üzere enerji ihtiyacõnõ büyük oranda fosil ve ithal yakõtlarla kar õlamaya çalõ an ülkeler, YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'nin önemini fark etmekte ve bu yönde ciddi adõmlar atmaktadõrlar. Fosil yakõtlardaki önlenemezfiyatartõ larõ ve buna dair gelecek beklentilerindeki belirsizlik YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'ye yönelimi zorunlu kõlmaktadõr. Güne enerji sistemleri fiyatlarõfirmalarõnürünlerine göre de i mektedir. Kimi firma kaliteden ödün vermeden üretim yaparken kimiside malzemenin kötüsünden ürünlerini üretip satmaktadõr. Biliçli tüketicilerin bu kurnazca yapõlan hilye uymamasõ lazõm ortada alõnacak bir ürün v...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, publisher, distributor, electric utility, mutual fund, exchange traded fund
- Product types: solar water heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, architectural design services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, recycling services, testing services, certification services
- Address: Akbelen Bulvarõ 173/A Toroslar Mersin, Mersin, Turkey 33453
- Telephone: 312481 9 481
- FAX: 312 479 0 229
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Güne Enerji Sistemleri
Guodian Jintech Solar Energy (Yixing) Co., Ltd.
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules.
- Address: No. 25, Kaixuan Road, Yixing Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, China
- Telephone: +86 510 87820108
- FAX: +86 510 87820106
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Guodian Jintech Solar Energy (Yixing) Co., Ltd.
Guoshi Lighting Limited
We are specialized in developing, manufacturing, marketing and after-sales service of High Power LED Lighting. We have excellent development team and strong technological power.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: indoor lighting ( including Downlight, Tube, spot lamp, panel lamp, MR16, GU10 & bulbs). .
- Address: 4-6/F, Building5, The third Industrial Park of Nangang, Tangtou Village, Shiyan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518108
- Telephone: 0086-755-29680551
- FAX: 0086-755-81709736
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Guoshi Lighting Limited
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer
- Product types: water pumps, water storage tanks, water pumps.
- Address: Necatibey cad no:38, Istanbul, TC Turkey 80030
- Telephone: 0 212 2514447
- FAX: 0 212 2514360
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GURAK ARITIM VE POMPA SAN AS
Gurit has established itself as a developer and innovator in the composites industry and positioned itself as the leading global supplier of composite materials, engineering services, tooling equipment, and select parts and systems. Over 30 years' experience in the practical application of composites across various market sectors and projects, from small parts to large-scale structures, combined with a unique technical approach enables Gurit to offer the complete composite solution. Gurit offers a truly global presence with offices, manufacturing sites and a network of distributors across Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, China, Australia, New Zealand and India.
- Business type: Manufacturer
- Product types: Performance Prepregs, Structural prepregs, Fire, Smoke, Toxicity Materials, Structural Cores, Adhesives, Laminating Resins, Repair Solutions, Tooling Resins, Coatings, Ancillaries, Corecell, G-PET, Balsaflex, PVCell G-Foam, SPRINT, SE 70, ST 70, SE 84LV, SparPreg, Ampreg 21, Ampreg 22, Spabond, PRIME Infusion resin, RENUVO, CR 3400.
- Service types: Structural Engineering, Tooling, Automotive Parts
- Address: St Cross Business Park, Newport, Isle of Wight United Kingdom PO30 5WU
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1983 828 000
- FAX: +44 (0) 1983 828 100
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gurit
GV PUMPS makes sublime quality "GREEN VILLAGE PUMPS"for irrigation purpose deep well turbine pumps, centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps and all kind of other water pumps
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Service types: engineering
- Address: 1st floor 20-cc, sector plaza phase 4 DHA Lahore, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan 54000
- Telephone: 0092 42 35890595, 96, 97
- FAX: 0092 42 35890598
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GV Pumps ( GREEN VILLAGE PUMPS )
GWL/Power Group
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules.
- Address: Pr myslová 11, 102 19 Praha 10, Czech, Rep
- Telephone: +420 277 007500
- FAX: +420 277 007529
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GWL/Power Group
GWU-Solar GmbH
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: photovoltaic modules (PV modules), PV components, solar water pumps, complete PV accessories.
- Address: Hans-Vogel-Str. 22, Furth, Germany 90765
- Telephone: +49 9 117 91 01 90
- FAX: +49 9 1179 10 19 17
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GWU-Solar GmbH
Gyrotron Technology, Inc.
- Product types: photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment, photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment laminating equipment.
- Address: 3412 Progress Drive, Bensalem, Pennsylvania USA 19020
- Telephone: +1 215 2444740
- FAX: +1 215 2444742
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gyrotron Technology, Inc.
GZ DPTR Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, battery charge controllers.
- Address: 321, Block A, Hexin Commercial Center, Shangshe Heguang Road, Tianhe, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
- Telephone: +86 20 87019530
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GZ DPTR Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
G CAR Motors Philippines, Inc.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: electric cars, electric bicycles.
- Service types: design, maintenance and repair services
- Address: #38 West Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
- Telephone: (+632)376-5420
- FAX: (+632)376-5423
G. P. Sales
- Business type: Manufacturer, Expoter
- Product types: Energy Saving devices, PVC Pipe & Fittings, HDPE Pipe & Fittings, Micro Irrigation System, Sprinkler Irrigation System, Landscape Irrigation, Dust Supression System.
- Address: Dharamshala Road, Jugsalai, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand India 831 006
- Telephone: +91 657 2292714
- FAX: +91 657 2293329
G.E. Digital Energy
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: uninterruptible power supplies UPS, fuel powered electric generators.
- Address: Wheatfield Way, , Hinckley, Leicester United Kingdom LE10 1YG
- Telephone: 07909 910092
Gaian Bioenergy
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: biomass energy systems, cogeneration system components, biomass energy system components.
- Address: 8195 Bowyer Dr, Mission, BC Canada V2V 6V9
- Telephone: 604 258 8201
Galaxy Battery
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: batteries lead acid sealed AGM, batteries industrial, batteries custom, batteries alkaline, battery chargers.
- Service types: maintenance and repair services
- Address: 40 Thornhill Dr., Suite 3, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada B3B 1S1
- Telephone: 902-468-5191
- FAX: 902-468-2614
Galaxy Products cc
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: DC to AC power inverters, energy efficient lighting, packaged power systems, photovoltaic systems.
- Address: 100 St George's Street, Newlands, Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa 2092
- Telephone: +27 11 4770400
- FAX: +27 11 4770402
Gastech Industries
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer, trader
- Product types: propane powered appliances, haeating system components such as LPG regulators, LPG valves, LPG cylnders, LPG conversion kits, High pressure gas regulaors, Low pressure gas regulators, CNG parts for vehical, LPG parts, gas stoves, gas burners, LPG filling nozzal, .
- Service types: engineering
- Address: Nisbat rd. , Daska, Punjab Pakistan 51010
- Telephone: +92-52-6612642
- FAX: +92-52-6616383
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: electric vehicles, electric cars.
- Service types: maintenance and repair services
- Address: 2106 NW 67th Place Suite 15, Gainesville, Florida USA 32653
- Telephone: 352-376-4724
- FAX: 352-376-6810
Gauri Enterprises
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar lighting systems, solar street lighting, photovoltaic modules, solar charge controllers, solar lantern.
- Address: 95/6, Parade, Kanpur, UP India 208001
- Telephone: 09235600226
Gauri Enterprises
Deals in: solar photovoltic system and devices, solar home lighting systems, solar lantern, solar street light, solar battery charge controller, solar photovoltic modoule, solar inverter,
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar lighting systems, solar street lighting, solar electric power systems, battery charge controllers, photovoltaic modules.
- Address: 95/6, Parade, Kanpur, Uttar pradesh India 208001
- Telephone: +919235600226
- E-mail: Send Email to Gauri Enterprises
Gautam Polymers
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: Solar Casings & Enclosures for Solar Lanterns, Home Lights, Street Lights, Battery Boxes, Traffic Blinkers, Junction Boxes for Solar Module and Power Plant Zero Fade LED Based Solar Lights.
- Address: E 245 Gk -ii, New Delhi, New Delhi India 110048
- Telephone: 91-011-29222724
GE Thermometrics India Pvt Ltd
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: Temperature Sensors - probes and their assemblies, NTC and PTC Thermistors, computer and electronic components, air heating system components, .
- Address: 181, Lake Shore Road, Btm-Ii Stage, Bangalore, Karnataka India 560076
- Telephone: 91-80-26683421
Gea Eco-system
- Business type: manufacturer, importer, distributor
- Product types: heat exchangers, LED light bulbs, heat recovery ventilation systems (HRV systems), energy efficient lighting, compact fluorescent lighting fixtures and ballasts, Metalized and Mirorized Fluorescent Reflector.
- Service types: contractor services
- Address: 1A Dr. J. Reyes Bldg., 811 Prudencio St. , Sampaloc, Manila Philippines 1008
- Telephone: +632 543 1021
- FAX: +632 239 8140
GEA Industrial Supplies
- Business type: Importer, Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Contractor
- Product types: We supply Plate Heat Exchanger Parts, Plate and Gasket for GEA. Alfa Laval, APV, Schmidt, Tranter, HISAKA and other brands. Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV). Heat Recovery System for Boiler, Compressor, HVAC. .
- Service types: Servicing of Plate Heat Exchanger ( Cleaning, Regasketing, Overhauling), design, installation, engineering, project development services
- Address: Unit 1A, Dr. Reyes Bldg., 809 Prudencio St. Sampaloc, Manila, Metro Manila Philippines 1008
- Telephone: 063 2 3578268 ; 09289036582; 09277158222
- FAX: 063 2 2398140
- E-mail: Send Email to GEA Industrial Supplies
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: solar outdoor lighting systems.
- Address: 1/F, 28 Tianshengcun,huanshidonglu,, Guangzhou, GD China 510095
- Telephone: 86 20 83597015
- FAX: 86 20 83595252
Geiser Argentina S.A
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: solar tracking systems, solar water heating systems.
- Address: Avda. Chaves 486, Balcarce, Buenos Aires Argentina 7620
- Telephone: +54 2266 430447
- FAX: +54 2266 424480
Gems Dc Motor
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: DC powered appliances, DC to DC power converters.
- Address: Y. Dudullu Serifali Ciftligi Seheryeli S No:45 Umraniye, Istanbul, Turkey 34775
- Telephone: 00902165403313
- FAX: 00902163643492
Genba Energy
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: water pumping windmills.
- Address: 2131/19 sk. No:6/3 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
- Telephone: +90 232 3456611
GENBA Energy And Engineering Co.Ltd
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: wind energy systems , solar electric power systems, water pumping windmills, solar electric power systems.
- Address: 1424 sk. No.11/A Alsancak, Izmir, Egean Turkey 35020
- Telephone: +905323379878
- FAX: +902324215374
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