Renewable Energy Consulting Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with C Page 2


Business Names Starting with C

Cablotecnica S. u. r. l. - CAD Design / Go Green Mobile Power - Caddell Electric - Cade Soluciones de Ingenieria S. L. - CAFB-EcoGen - Cairns Solar Equipment - Cairns Value Solar - Caisse Energy (A Trading Entity of Seamus Treanor Limited) - Cal Paso Solar Electric - Calculated Plans - Architecture - Caldyne Automatics Ltd - Calet Laurent - Calgary Hydronics Solutions - Calgavin - Calhex Industries Ltd. - Calidad de Ambiente S. L. - California Center for Sustainable Energy - California Power-Save - California Solar Electric - California Solar Electric Company - California Solar Energy - California Solar Engineering, Inc. - California Sun Systems Inc. - Calleja and Formosa Energy Saving - Callidus Design ltd - Calor Gas Ltd - CalorSun S. A Energia Solar Acce - Calpan Co., Ltd. - Cam Solar - Camberwell Electrics - Cambodia Consulting Development Engineering Co., Ltd (CCDE) - Cambridge Project Development Inc. -

Cablotecnica S. u. r. l.

CAD Design / Go Green Mobile Power

CAD Design and Go Green Mobile Power offers sustainable and renewable solutions towards your energy efficiency demands.

Caddell Electric

Cade Soluciones de Ingenieria S. L.


Cairns Solar Equipment

Cairns Solar Equipment is Far North Queensland's leading supplier and installer of alternative energy products. Being a 1-stop solar shop means people can purchase all of their power supply needs under one roof with qualified staff to assist with all technical enquiries. Computer assisted analysis means an accurate assessment can be made of both your hot water and power needs. Whether is be sun, wind, water, diesel or petrol we can provide the best product at the right price. Solar heating, solar panels, batteries, inverters, chargers, generator sets and skylights are but a few of the products sold. Cairns Solar Equipment invite you to personally visit their office and showroom.

Cairns Value Solar

Caisse Energy (A Trading Entity of Seamus Treanor Limited)

Cal Paso Solar Electric

Calculated Plans - Architecture

Calculated Plans - Architectureis a small architecture firm located in Starksboro, Vermont. Our diverse experience includes: new university laboratory and computer science buildings and campus planning; public, private, and international schools; day cares and preschools; regional utility infrastructure; retail and customer service facilities; hospitality, resorts, restaurants; banks; cultural and community centers; elderly housing and assisted living; offices and corporate headquarters; and new homes, residential additions and renovations. And a corn maze!

Caldyne Automatics Ltd

ISO 9000 Certified EXIDE INDUSTRIES Group company. Huge Integrated Manufacturing and Test set up in calcutta, India. Looking for contract Manufacturing job in Solar/Wind Charge Controllers, DC power equipment, Systems, chargers etc. Inviting Dealers/Distributors/ Companies for Marketing our products in INDIA and World Wide.

Calet Laurent

Calgary Hydronics Solutions

Boiler and hydronic system repair, service and maintenance. Eco-friendly solutions, equipment and services.


CALGAVIN are one of the leading suppliers for heat exchanger solutions offering a range of enhancement benefits to your heat exchanger. our range of turbulators and twisted tape solutions can help reduce costs and the amount of energy needed to run your process plant.

Calhex Industries Ltd.

Calidad de Ambiente S. L.

California Center for Sustainable Energy

The California Center for Sustainable Energy ( CCSE) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that helps residents, businesses and public agencies save energy, reduce grid demand and generate their own power through a variety of rebate, technical assistance and education programs. CCSE also provides the community with objective information, research, analysis and long-term planning on energy issues and technologies. The California Center for Sustainable Energy promotes change for a clean energy future.

California Power-Save

California Solar Electric

California Solar Electric Company

California Solar Energy

California Solar Engineering, Inc.

California Solar Engineering designs and installs PV systems for home or business. We provide straight forward solar information. We handle all solar rebate applications and paperwork. We are a local, owner-operated business that has been installing solar systems in Los Angeles since 2002.

California Sun Systems Inc.

California Sun Systems, Inc. is a full service provider of complete solar electric systems for home and business. Our team of experienced electricians and highly trained installers is committed to providing dependable, cost-effective, clean energy solutions designed to meet your unique requirements. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how much you can save by going solar.

Calleja and Formosa Energy Saving

"Help you save energy with the finest energy saving products in the world" in:lighting systems - Electrical Motors - Airconditioning, Refrigeration - Solar Energy - Power Monitoring.

Callidus Design ltd

Calor Gas Ltd

CalorSun S. A Energia Solar Acce

La energía solar es gratuita y no produce ningún daño al medio ambiente por tratarse de una energía renovable. Usar los sistemas de energía solar CalorSun® para calentar agua, es la opción entre las diferentes alternativas de energía en la que su inversión se recupera más rápidamente. Sin gastos mensuales de consumo ni mantenimiento. Una sola inversión que le brindara grandes ahorros en su factura de electricidad y el confort de no tener restricciones en el uso del agua caliente. Con una sencilla tecnología, basada en principios físicos naturales y con mínima participación de elementos mecánicos permite que la vida útil de su calentador solar sea superior a los 20 años. Pueden ser usados de forma independiente dando igualmente un buen rendi...

Calpan Co., Ltd.

A new addition to our products is an epoch-making solar pumping system that combined the solar power generation with the electric pump. It liberates people from heavy labor for pumping water on the well. It will be ideal to the water shortage region where no commercial power supply is available. Moreover, once installed, it hardly requires the running cost with no CO2 emission because 100% natural energy is used. The beautifully-designed and sophisticated system works off-grid and also on-grid compatibly to widen its use in rural area and also at the public places in the urban area. It consists of solar panel, control/rechargeable battery box, display panel and optional electric pump for the maximum serviceability. 3 pump models are prepare...

Cam Solar

Camberwell Electrics

Cambodia Consulting Development Engineering Co., Ltd (CCDE)

Cambodia Consulting Development Engineering Co., Ltd (CCDE) is a localconsulting firm. Since its creation, CCDE became a reference firm in the field of rural watersupply and rural electrification development in Cambodia. CCDE provides now a wide range of services in areas relatedto rural development, covering:Identification missions, Feasibility studies, Project implementation, Detailed design, Preliminary study and study, Construction Supervision, Management, Education and Training, Training organization.

Cambridge Project Development Inc.

Cambridge Project Development is a firm from which you can expect direct Principal involvement in project approaches strictly customized to your requirements. English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese spoken.

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