Energy Efficient Home And Building Research and Development Businesses in the United States by Business Name Page 2
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Building Performance Specialists - Burrell Investments - ECE, Inc. - Energy Enterprises, Inc. - GreenHome Solar - Outdoor Thermal Solutions - Red Doe Designs - Solar King Supply (SKS) - Solar Specialty Products - Taheri Architecture, Inc. - Takahashi & Shadow - The Renaissance Group - Turbo Heating Co. - Turner Building Science & Design -
Building Performance Specialists
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, solar pool heating systems, energy efficient homes and buildings.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation
- Address: 126 Victoria Dr, Wilmington, North Carolina USA 28401
- Telephone: 910-470-8203
- FAX: 206-666-8248
Burrell Investments
- Business type: Independent Energy Consultant to Business and Industry
- Product types: Simple solutions that work to reduce energy waste.
- Service types: Application of the best solutions to your energy related problems.From initial assessment, detailed analysis, recommendations, project development, contractor management, project management and monitor and verification services.
- Address: 1005 Rosewood Ct, Euless, Texas USA 76039
- Telephone: 817-283-2232
- FAX: 817-283-2237
ECE, Inc.
- Product types: energy efficient homes and buildings, appliances.
- Address: 77 Norwood #A, Berkeley, California USA 94707
- Telephone: +1 619 228 4874
Energy Enterprises, Inc.
- Business type: Residential and Commercial Sales & Installation
- Product types: Solar Electric Systems, Residential and Commercial, Battery Backup Power Systems and Generators, Sales, Service and Installation.
- Service types: System Design
- Address: 6331 Beacon Ave, Mays Landing, New Jersey USA 08330
- Telephone: 609-476-4946
- FAX: 609-476-4933
GreenHome Solar
- Address: Wisconsin USA
Outdoor Thermal Solutions
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, service
- Product types: solar heating products, solar water heaters, energy efficient buildings.
- Service types: consulting services, research and development, education and training
- Address: 1163 E. Ogden Ave., Suite 705-345, Naperville, Illinois USA 60563
- Telephone: 1-630-653-5452
- FAX: 1-630-477-0266
Red Doe Designs
- Product types: Designs of zero energy and Energy Star residential homes and commercial buildings.
- Address: P.O. Box 91, Plymouth, New Hampshire USA 03264
- Telephone: (978) 239-9671
Solar King Supply (SKS)
- Business type: Consulting and Design Build Services
- Product types: Solar Water Heating, Pool Heating, Energy Efficient Homes, Businesses, Institutions, Building Passive Solar Designs, Natural Day Lighting, Geothermal Energy & Solar Source Heat Pump Systems, Water Conservation-efficiency.
- Service types: consulting; design/build extensive expertise with conservation/ee and re systems
- Address: 8 Sherman Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland USA 20912-5742
- Telephone:
Solar Specialty Products
Solar Specialty Products has over 25 years of experience and is located just north San Antonio, Texas USA and carries all major brands of solar energy products - their facility is completely solar powered and they sell their excess power back to their electric utility company. They also manufacture many special and unique solar based products under the name of Solar Specialty Products(tm) - solar attic ventilation fans, solar landsacpe lights, solar fountain pumps, solar security lighting systems, solar sign light systems, solar well pumping systems, and much more. Solar Specialty Products carries all major brands of solar panels, charge controllers, inverters, and everything else required to build a solar enery system. . . .
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, installer, designer
- Product types: solar electric power systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar hot water systems, solar pool heating systems, Battery backup solar NET metering systems, specialty solar products such as solar powered attic ventilator fans (Solar SuperFans), solar lighting systems, solar security systems, and other custom designed systems, wind energy systems (small).
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, product development services, education and training services, research services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: 218 Quinlan Street, Ste-351, Kerrville, Texas USA 78028
- Telephone: 210-695-8990
- FAX: Call 1st
- E-mail: Send Email to Solar Specialty Products
Taheri Architecture, Inc.
- Business type: Professional Services
- Product types: Passive Solar Design, solar roofing systems, alternative homes and buildings, energy efficient homes and buildings, natural daylighting, solar lighting systems, health and comfort in buildings, Commercial and Residential Facilities. Energy Modeling for buildings. Building Information Modeling. Renovations and New Construction design. .
- Service types: consulting, design, research services, architectural design services
- Address: 279 W. Tulpehocken St. , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA 19144
- Telephone: (520) 465-7544
Takahashi & Shadow
- Product types: LED lighting, deep cycle batteries, computer and electronic components, computer software, DC to AC power inverters, energy efficient homes and buildings, Energy Efficient Residential Design & Drafting.
- Service types: consulting, design, research services, site survey and assessment services, architectural design services
- Address: 134 Kuula Street, Kahului, Hawaii USA 96732
- Telephone: 9562540451
The Renaissance Group
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, wind energy system components (small), wind energy systems (large), energy efficient homes and buildings, alternative homes and buildings, energy efficient appliances.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: 10299 Longview Drive , Kirtland, Ohio USA 44094
- Telephone: (440) 946-0494
- FAX: (216) 832 1931
Turbo Heating Co.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: wood burning stoves and furnaces, air heating systems, solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems, solar electric power systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, Any Fuel (multi-fuel) heating systems & components.
- Address: 336 North 1810 East, St. Anthony, Idaho USA 83445
- Telephone: (208) 624-3135
- FAX: (208) 624-3133
Turner Building Science & Design
- Product types: air cooling systems, air filtering and purification systems, alternative homes and buildings, earth sheltered homes and buildings, energy efficient homes and buildings, geothermal energy systems, Solar homes and energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, education and training services, research services, architectural design services, testing services
- Address: 26 Pinewood Lane, Harrison, Maine USA 04040
- Telephone: 207 583-4571 x16
- FAX: 207-583-4572
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