Solar Energy Contractor Businesses in Pennsylvania by Business Name Page 2

Sunhaven Solar and Home Performance Testing - Tall Pines Farm Stoves and Fireplaces - Underwood Solar Future LLC - Vara NRG, LLC - WeAreSolar. com - WPCS International Incorporated - Ferry Electric Company - Renewable Energy Division - Kilowatt Group - LogicSolar inc. -

Sunhaven Solar and Home Performance Testing

Tall Pines Farm Stoves and Fireplaces

Underwood Solar Future LLC

As part of our commitment to improving the environment, Underwood Solar Future provides full-service solar panel estimating and installation for commercial businesses and residential properties at fair prices. All solar panel system installations are led by a North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) qualified installer.


Our company integrates solar and other energy efficient technologies. We provide free solar evaluations and free energy audits for homes and businesses. We guarantee the energy savings on the products we provide.

WeAreSolar. com

Very affordable double wall (47 mm x 1500 mm) 20 & 30 tube evacuated tube collectors, $475 & $690 respectively. 15, 20 and 30 tube (58 mm x 1800 mm) collectors for $425, $575 and $795. All units are pressure tested to 160 psi before shipping. All solar collectors have Stainless Steel or Aluminum frames. "Hyper" reflectors available, etc. all parts necessary for assembly.

WPCS International Incorporated

Ferry Electric Company - Renewable Energy Division

Kilowatt Group

LogicSolar inc.

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