Solar Energy Businesses in Portugal by Business Name Page 2
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Portugal |
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Lobosolar - Martifer Solar - Matalogalva - Moreme, Montagens, Reparaçôes e Manutenção Electromecânicas, Lda - Movitrom - Sistemas de Energia Lda. - MPrime - N. E. Kristensen - Net Green Developments Lda - Net Plan - Telecomunicaçôes e Energia S. A. - Penguin Air Conditioning and Solar Heating - Algarve - Petrotank - Polisol L.da - Raiz Verde Lda. - RenovaSolar Lda - Revez-Solar Energias Renováveis, Lda. - Sintra 2001, Consult e Proj Eng Lda - SmallPower - Energias Renováveis, Lda. - SOLARPANELS4U - TemplarLUZ - Vensol - WS Energia - Zenergia - Zeugma - Advanced Product Integration - Green Solutions - Consultancy and Services in the Renewable Energy Sector - Peter Robert Kuchta - Sistemas de Energia Eirl. -
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Rua Sebastião Mendes Bolas, 18, Apartado 332, 7006-804 Évora, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 266 771427
- FAX: +351 266 708794
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Lobosolar
Martifer Solar
MARTIFER SOLAR plays a leading role in the photovoltaic industry, supported by a solid track record of international achievements due to aglobal expertisecutting-edge engineeringadvanced technical qualificationsskilled and devoted team dedicated to spread the MARTIFER SOLAR'S Pure Energy around the world. The Company covers all stages in the PV industry, enabling full circle solutions at business areas such as:Project & Business DevelopmentEPC, via our 360° PV turnkey solution modelSpecialized O&M Service business unitDistribution, via MPrime Brand
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: solar electric power systems.
- Address: Apartado 17, 3684-001 Oliveira de Frades, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 232 767 700
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Martifer Solar
- Product types: solar tracking systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems, solar tracking systems single axis, solar tracking systems dual axis.
- Address: Maganha, Santiago de Bougado, 206 Mail Box, 4786-909 - TROFA, Portugal
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Matalogalva
Moreme, Montagens, Reparaçôes e Manutenção Electromecânicas, Lda
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Trv. de S. Paulo, Lt 117, Serra do Casal de Cambra, 2605-308 BELAS, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 21 9818380
- FAX: +351 21 9806567
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Moreme, Montagens, Reparaçôes e Manutenção Electromecânicas, Lda
Movitrom - Sistemas de Energia Lda.
- Business type: importer ,sales and installation
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, industrial batteries, DC to AC power inverters, DC to DC power converters, telecommunications power systems, uninterruptible power supplies UPS.
- Service types: installation, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Centro Empresarial Sintra-Estoril 3, Armazem B, Linho, Sintra, Portugal 2710-335 Sintra
- Telephone: 351 21 9109018
- FAX: 351 21 9109019
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Movitrom - Sistemas de Energia Lda.
MPrime is specialized in the distribution of Solar Equipment: modules, inverters, â Plug and Playâ kits and PV components, and the production of its own PV modules. Our aim is to provide added value solutions to meet our clientsâ requirements and contribute to the expansion of their business, building a real partnership with them.
- Business type: wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, DC to AC power inverters, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems ground mount, photovoltaic module mounting systems roof mount, photovoltaic module mounting systems integrated.
- Address: Zona Industrial, Apartado 17, 3680-001 - Oliveira de Frades, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 232 811 381
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to MPrime
N. E. Kristensen
- Business type: retail sales, importer
- Product types: solar air heating systems, keep your house dry and comfortable. -see solnordic. com Water filtration system, Aquasana - Acti Antikalk water treament.
- Service types: consulting, installation
- Address: Rua C. C. Branco 14, Cabanas (palmela), Portugal 2950-613
- Telephone: 00351 936086982
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to N. E. Kristensen
Net Green Developments Lda
gives information, products and services concerning Sustainable Construction. Sectors covered include Solar Hot water applications, Passive Architecture, Recycling Water, Recycling Waste, Renewable Energy and Internet Technology. Our Initial Market is Portugal, but international consultancy
- Product types: sustainable solutions for construction, solar assisted space heating system, water heating systems, home automation, recycling systems, energy efficient homes and buildings.
- Address: Av. da Venezuela, No. 1; Monte Estoril, Estoril, Lisbon Portugal 2765-455
- Telephone: +351 931969718
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Net Green Developments Lda
Net Plan - Telecomunicaçôes e Energia S. A.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Centro Empresarial de Telheiras, Rua Hermano Neves, 22 2°A, 1600-477 Lisboa, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 21 7521250
- FAX: +351 21 7521255
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Net Plan - Telecomunicaçôes e Energia S. A.
Penguin Air Conditioning and Solar Heating - Algarve
PENGUINaircon. com are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool heating, under floor heating, and renewable energy systems. We're open 5 days a week, from 9. 30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. You can contact our Almancil showroom directly by phoning 910 700 777 or contacting us through our contact page. All quotes and surveys are free. We're are one of the leading installers of air conditioning and solar heating systems in the Algarve and carry stocks of leading manufacturers including Daikin, Samsung, Panasonic, LG and SANYO. All our vehicles carry fully equiped workshops to instantly fix any type of cooling or heating emergency.
- Product types: air cooling systems, air heating systems, heat pumps, solar pool heating systems, alternative homes and buildings, photovoltaic systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, construction, engineering, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Av. Eng Duarte Pacheco 222, , Almancil, Algarve Portugal 8135-104
- Telephone: 289 092 595
- FAX: 289 392 660
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Penguin Air Conditioning and Solar Heating - Algarve
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Apartado 1, Gandara - Senhorinha, 3740-909 Sever do Vouga, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 234 550010
- FAX: +351 234 550019
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Petrotank
Polisol L.da
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
- Address: Av O Seculo, 21, Samora Correia, Benavente Portugal 2135 SAMORA CORRIA
- Telephone: 263652527
- FAX: 263652528
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Polisol L.da
Raiz Verde Lda.
We sell renewable energy products, eco-friendly construction materials and offer consultancy to both businesses and domestic households. We are unique, drawing on many years relevant experience in both Portugal and the UK. We take pride in only offering the right solution and only after considering all the options. We will not offer you something you don't need or that will not meet your requirements or expectations.
- Business type: Renewable energy systems & consultancy
- Product types: Unique solar thermal, Air source heat pumps for swimming pools and domestic hot water, Wood pellet burners, Solar PV, Renewable energy systems and products.
- Service types: solar thermal, renewable energy and consultancy
- Address: Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal 4940-681
- Telephone: +351 258 523 237
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Raiz Verde Lda.
RenovaSolar Lda
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Rua Basilio Teles, 35, 3-Dto 1070-020 Lisboa, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 210 966242
- FAX: +351 707 500858
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to RenovaSolar Lda
Revez-Solar Energias Renováveis, Lda.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Rua da Agricultura 2, Parque Industrial, 7800-251 Beja, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 284328279
- FAX: +351 284326001
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Revez-Solar Energias Renováveis, Lda.
Sintra 2001, Consult e Proj Eng Lda
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Rua António Medina Junior, n° 55 2710-406 Sintra, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 219 105115
- FAX: +351 219 105114
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Sintra 2001, Consult e Proj Eng Lda
SmallPower - Energias Renováveis, Lda.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Rua Óscar da Silva, n°1280 - 5°, 4450-754 Leca da Palmeira, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 229 998641
- FAX: +351 229 998643
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to SmallPower - Energias Renováveis, Lda.
Retail & Commercial Solar Systems, Maglev Wind Turbines,Wholesale & Franchise Opportunities Available Worldwide 100% Financing
- Business type: Retail Sales, Wholesale Supplier, Exporter, Importer. Franchise Sales, Solar Power Stations
- Product types: Sun Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems, Maglev Wind Turbines (large), Backup Power Systems, Solar Water Heating Systems, Solar Pool Heating Systems, Solar Roofing Systems, underfloor Heating, Solar Cooling. Kingspan Thermomax, Genersys, Sigurd, DiamantHy_Brid Solar Street Lighting.
- Service types: Consulting, Design, Installation, Construction, Engineering, Project Development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, architectural design...
- Address: Casa Azul, Sitio Igreja, Cacela Velha, Tavira, Vila Real San Antonio Portugal 8900 019
- Telephone: 00351 918250501
- FAX: 00351 281381795
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to SOLARPANELS4U
Projecto, execução, assistência e manutenção, nas seguintes áreas de intervenção: INSTALAÇÕES ELÉCTRICAS Moradias Prédios Industria Lojas de comércio Estaleiros Edifícios médicos AUTOMAÇÃO Programação de autómatos Programação de braços manipuladores Concepção e desenvolvimento de sistemas à medida das necessidades do cliente Fornecimento e montagem todo o tipo de actuadores e sensores DOMÓTICA Casas inteligentes Gestão técnica de edifícios Controlo remoto de aparelhos eléctricos ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS Produção em grande escala Sistemas de microgeração Solar Eólico Hídrico SEGURANÇA Detecção de incêndios Detecção de intrusão Detecção de gases Detecção de inundação Videovigilância Desenfumagem TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Redes em cobre Redes em fibra óptic...
- Business type: retail sales, exporter, importer, distributor, electric utility
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, energy efficient lighting, home automation, DC to AC power inverters, wind energy systems (small), backup power systems.
- Service types: installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Casal Pinheiro, 3, Tomar, Santarém Portugal 2305-315
- Telephone: (+351) 919476764
- FAX: (+351) 249302297
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to TemplarLUZ
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Av. 23 de Julho/Estrada Nacional 378, Fernão Ferro, 2865, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 212123172
- FAX: +351 212128482
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Vensol
WS Energia
WS Energia is a solar company which designs, develops and manufacture high precision - web-controlled solar trackers and solar concentrators for photovoltaic systems in residential and industrial applications.
- Business type: photovoltaic
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic trackers, low concentration photovoltaic, DoubleSun, .
- Address: Taguspark, Edf Tecnologia II Pavilhao 46, Porto Salvo, Oeiras, Lisboa Portugal 2740-257
- Telephone: +351 214 212 190
- FAX: +351 214 212 190
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to WS Energia
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Caminho de Santa Quitéria 29A, 9020-119 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- Telephone: +351 291 765722
- FAX: +351 291 765722
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Zenergia
Zeugma develops, installs and maintains autonomous energy building and smart energy saving concepts based on photovoltaic solar panels.
- Product types: solar electric power systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: Rua da Industria, n4 Sobreiro, Mafra, Portugal Portugal 2640-578
- Telephone: +351261816270
- FAX: +351261816289
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Zeugma
Advanced Product Integration
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: home automation, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic systems, deep cycle batteries, DC to AC power inverters, remote home power systems.
- Service types: Installation, Maintenance, Project Management, Consultancy
- Address: Edifício Avenida Nova, Loja H, Albufeira, Algarve Portugal 8200-562
- Telephone: +351-289588882
- FAX: +351-302040404
Green Solutions - Consultancy and Services in the Renewable Energy Sector
- Product types: solar water heating systems, wind energy system(small andlarge), photovoltaic systems, biomass energy systems, air heating systems, air cooling systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, project development services
- Address: Avenida 5 De Outubro, 42 R/c Lj. 2, Sardoal, Portugal 2230-103
- Telephone: +351 96 00 11 550
Peter Robert Kuchta - Sistemas de Energia Eirl.
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: hybrid power systems, wind turbines (small), uninterruptible power supplies UPS, photovoltaic systems.
- Service types: Installation of renewable energy systems
- Address: Apartado 94, Tabua, Coimbra Portugal P-3421-960
- Telephone: +351-235728025
- FAX: +351-235728027
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