Biomass Energy System Businesses in the United Kingdom by Business Name Page 2

Sinclair Knight Merz - Talbott's Biomass Energy Systems Ltd. - The Energy and Environmental Management Group - Solarsaver - The Utile Engineering Company Ltd - The Wood Stove Shop Ltd - Vision Asset Finance - Wisterland - ADAS Environment - AGRA Birwelco Limited - Berwick Manley Associates Ltd - Cogenco Limited - Enconsult Ltd - EPCompare LLP - Future Renewables - Optimum Energy Ltd - Renew Tees Valley Ltd - SortRec Ltd -

Sinclair Knight Merz

Talbott's Biomass Energy Systems Ltd.

Manufacturers of Biomass & Waste, Renewable Energy Systems. Can provide systems to utilise waste, biomass fuel as energy to produce HOT AIR- HOT WATER- STEAM - ELECTRICITY - COGEN (CHP). Have more than 4500 installations world-wide since their establishment 30 years ago.

The Energy and Environmental Management Group - Solarsaver

The Energy and Environmental Management Group of which SolarSaver is an operating company, has over twenty-five years of experience at its disposal in the field of renewable energy. The companies major activities are in the design, specification, supply and installation of state-of-the-art solar energy systems and wind power generators, photovoltaic systems, combined heat and power systems, biomass systems, geo-thermal systems. The company also provide consultancy and training and development programmes, designed to enable a better understanding of the energy dynamics and how to harness the power that is freely and constantly available. The company support the global governments strategy regarding renewable energy and seeks to enhance the skills and knowledge required to provide tomorrow's technology today.

The Utile Engineering Company Ltd

The Utile Engineering Company manufactures a range of high quality sliding vane, positive displacement gas compressors, air blowers and vacuum pumps as well as centrifugal air and gas boosters / exhausters to meet any requirements. Over recent years our product range has grown to meet demands of Industry both at home and overseas and we now export 40% of our output worldwide. With environmental considerations and the increasing popularity of cost effective gas usage, developments over the last two decades have been in machines capable of handling aggressive gases, such as Bio, Landfill and Digester gases. We offer our customers packaged units or turnkey installations with or without energy management systems.

The Wood Stove Shop Ltd

Vision Asset Finance

Renewable Energy Finance Vision Asset Finance offers project finance for operators and users of renewable energy technologies in the private and public sector. We can fund projects that incorporate the following technologies: Wind, CHP, Landfill Gas, Anaerobic Digestion, Mines Gas, Hydro, Solar & PV, Wave and District Heating


Renewable Energy. Advisory and Financing Services

ADAS Environment

AGRA Birwelco Limited

Berwick Manley Associates Ltd

Cogenco Limited

Enconsult Ltd

EPCompare LLP

Future Renewables

Optimum Energy Ltd

Renew Tees Valley Ltd

SortRec Ltd

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