Renewable Energy Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with A Page 63


Business Names Starting with A

Avaco - Avacos Solar Energy Corporation - Avalanche Roofing Contractors - Avansis Fotovoltaica S. L. - Avantag Energy s. à r. l. - Avante Global Services Pvt Ltd - Avantsolar - Ingeniería Avanzada Solar S. L - Avanzalia - Avaro & Tarditi - Avasco Industries N. V. - Avatar Solar LLC - AVC Energy Ltd. - Avde - Aved Electronics, Inc. - Aved¿re Holmes El A/S - Avel Thor Solaire - Avelar Energy Group - Avelion solar roof - Avenam Links International Ltd - Avenir Energies Renouvelables - Avensol Sarl - Averinox - Avery and Sun - Avex Trade, spol. s r. o. - Aviem Systems Ltd. - Avionex/USA Corporation - Avionic Instruments, Inc. - Aviotech International - Avir Solar - AvisAmerica - Avni Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd - Avonline Plc -


Avacos Solar Energy Corporation

Avalanche Roofing Contractors

Solar Breeze Solar Attic Fans

Avansis Fotovoltaica S. L.

Avantag Energy s. à r. l.

Avante Global Services Pvt Ltd

Avantsolar - Ingeniería Avanzada Solar S. L


Avaro & Tarditi

Avasco Industries N. V.

Avatar Solar LLC

AVC Energy Ltd.


Aved Electronics, Inc.

Custom design and manufacturing facility working in all chemistries to provide the appropriate solution.

Aved¿re Holmes El A/S

Avel Thor Solaire

Avelar Energy Group

Avelion solar roof

Avenam Links International Ltd

Avenam Links International Limited is an indigenous company formally incorporated and registered in Nigeria, as a Limited Company. The company was established and equipped with full professional Engineer to undertake the businesses of Project execution and consultancy services having diverse interest in the areas of Engineering, Agriculture, Environment, Information technology and training. Our team of experts proffers unique solution to a broad spectrum of clients in and outside Nigeria. AVENAM Links IntâÛ™l Ltd. One of the leading biogas companies in Nigeria, was incorporated to bring affordable Biogas digester and biogas generator technology to Nigerians as well as providing a simple, cost effective solution to the reduction of greenhous...

Avenir Energies Renouvelables

Avensol Sarl


Averinox produces for several years spiralbelts. These belt are used in the sludge dewatering industry. We produce high quality belts, with low prices and high service.

Avery and Sun

Avex Trade, spol. s r. o.

Aviem Systems Ltd.

Avionex/USA Corporation

Our company is currently an OEM Manufacturer and fabricator. . . In 2009, under a new proposed license agreement, Avionex/USA plans to become an American Manufacturer of Towers and other Components for our Wind generators, namely: our larger- 800KW and 1. 5 MW Wind Turbines. (These are Low-Wind/Hi-Wind Super Efficient and all Weather down to -20 Deg. & -40 Deg. Celsius) Turbines with Double-fed Asynchronous Generators and internal Ladder/Stairs. The 800KW ($986, 000) Wind Turbine's annual Energy production is between 2. 9 Million Kilowatt Hours per year; to-3. 2 Million Annual Kilowatts. Our 1. 5 MW (USD$2. 1 Million) turbine's Annual Energy Production is 6. 0 Million KWHrs. (Exact Amount dependent on your site's Annual-Average Wind velocit...

Avionic Instruments, Inc.

Aviotech International

Setelah sukses dalam pengembangan usaha penunjang industri kedirgantaraan dalam tingkat internasional sejak 1990, terhitung Agustus 2008, Aviotech International mengawali langkah bisnis di bidang energi terbarukan [renewable energy] dengan sasaran pasar di dalam negeri. Produk utama yang dipasarkan adalah PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA SURYA [PLTS] dengan merek SUNDAYA untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga, industri, telekomunikasi, maritim dsb.

Avir Solar


When you build your energy-efficient solar home with AvisAmerica, youíre building with America's pioneer in the solar modular home industry. Now you can benefit from all the energy and cost-saving features of a custom-built solar home from AvisAmerica while including aesthetic features such as our multi-faceted designs and exteriors. You will discover there are no limitations when you choose to build an AvisAmerica solar home. You can select from our full line of solar options, including our custom two-story and cape designs as well as our ranch-style homes and townhouses. AvisAmerica was selected from among the nationís leading modular homebuilders by Fully Independent Residential Solar Technology, Inc. (FIRST, Inc.) and Bradley Builders and Developers to lead the nation into the promising new era of custom, factory-built all-solar home designs and construction. Today, AvisAmerica continues to revolutionize the solar modular home industry.

Avni Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd

AVNI ENERGY is pioneers in LED Lightings is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company Incorporated in April 2009 and products have been certified by CPRI & MIT. Avni wide products and services. 1. DOWN LIGHTS. 2. LED LANDSCAPE LIGHTINGS3. LED STREET LIGHTS4. LED LANTERNS / EMERGENGY LIGHTS5. LED HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS6. INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING(Above products are available in both AC & Soalr DC Lights)"Use LED Lights and Save the MOther Earh"

Avonline Plc

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