Renewable Energy Import Businesses in Algeria
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Algerian Solar Company - SOLALGERIE - SARL Société Touareg Commerce Et Fournitures. - WH Buildings Materials and renewable energy -
Algerian Solar Company
We bring solar solutions & products to consumers at affordable prices. We do so by importing solar products from EUROPE. We have German partners that allows us to deliver high quality products. Product types: Solar photovoltaic panels, solar PV systems, solar DC fridges, deep cycle maintenance-free batteries, charge controllers, emergency power back-up UPS, solar/generator hybrid systems, solar systems for telecom BTS stations, inverters, energy saver bulbs, LED lights, solar street lights, solar water heating, solar water pumps, solar billboards, wind turbines, industrial/commercial projects, solar pool heating, off-grid systems, solar air conditioners, solar cathodic protection systems.
- Business type: importer distributor installer
- Product types: solar products Solar photovoltaic panels, solar PV systems, solar DC fridges, deep cycle maintenance-free batteries, charge controllers, emergency power back-up UPS, solar/generator hybrid systems, solar systems for telecom BTS stations, inverters, energy saver bulbs, LED lights, solar street lights, solar water heating, solar water pumps, .
- Address: Rue DR ROUX BELLE VUE, El Harrach, Alger Algeria 16200
- Telephone: + 213 21 82 42 89
- FAX: + 213 21 82 42 94
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Algerian Solar Company
Pour vos besoins en systemes solaire moteur à eau, maison, eclairage publiquedans la ville. On est l'entreprise ou le fournisseur que vous cherchez. Nos systemes sont des sytemes Nord americaine, garantie pour plusieurs annees de 10 a 20 ans. Si vous voulez de l'electricité gratuite prenez votres telephone et essayer de nous parler, ou envoyer nous un email et on sera tres contents pour vous aidez dans le domaine se l'electricite grattuite.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, distributor
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar street lighting, solar pool heating systems, wind power plants, photovoltaic module components, water pumps, Systemes solaire pour maison/panne d'electricite dans la ville pas de probleme vous ne perdez pas le courant. .
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, education and training services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Residence Sable D'or, Annaba, Algeria 23000
- Telephone: 0661528516
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to SOLALGERIE
SARL Société Touareg Commerce Et Fournitures.
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer, distributor
- Product types: solar electric power systems (Stand Alone/Hybrid), solar lighting systems, batteries automotive, solar water pumping systems, Solar Batteries, wind energy systems (small), wind energy system components (small), photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, solar refrigeration systems, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, Solar Home Systems, Battery Ba....
- Service types: Installation
- Address: Cite Les Pins, Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algiers Algeria 16028
- Telephone: +213 770 110 777
- FAX: +213 2194 6010
WH Buildings Materials and renewable energy
We will gave a good price and if you want we will install any type of solar renewable energy that you need. we also rent place (lands) to put solar panels on it. Please contact us for any things you aquire for your solar projects.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, distributor
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar water heating components, geothermal energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, project development services, education and training services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 141 Cornish Dr, , Courtice, Ontario Canada, Algeria L1E3G9
- Telephone: 1 905 809 3333
- FAX: 1 866 722 0657
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