Renewable Energy Import Businesses in Panama
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The Sol Patch International, Inc. - Hitecyes o Consultoria e Instalaciones Arauz - at-SWISSCONTROL INC. S.A. - Energia Renovable de Panama, S.a. - Energia Viento Y Sol - Greentech Panama -
The Sol Patch International, Inc.
We are a sustainable company focused on enhancing lives with our innovative and practical products that are proven to be beneficial both to the user and the environment. We carry an ever-growing line of personal, commercial and residential products. We Retail, Wholesale and Distribute - Solar Panels ( Photovoltaics), Solar Inverters, Batteries for Solar, Gadgets, Solar Flashlights, Portable Solar Lights, Color Changing Solar LED Lights, Solar USB Chargers, Sports Gear, Bicycle Accessories, Solar Headlamps, Commercial and Residential Flooring, Cabinetry, Countertops, Tile, Marble, Granite. Glass Tiles, Mosaics, Terra Cotta, Hardwoods, Laminates, Vinyl, Linoleum, Cork and Bamboo. We export and import to Panama, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa...
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic systems residential, photovoltaic systems commercial, solar street lighting, batteries renewable energy system, photovoltaic module mounting systems, Solar Flashlights, Solar Flashlight with USB Port Charging, Solar Portable Light, Solar USB Charger for All Devices.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Panama City (Panama Office) / Margate (USA Office), Panama City Panama
- Telephone: 507-6980-0421 / 754-222-6282
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to The Sol Patch International, Inc.
Hitecyes o Consultoria e Instalaciones Arauz
We are devoted mainly for sale, installation, maintenance and repair of all the teams that have to do with the alternative solar energies, wind or water turbine. Also to the production of public lights with led's system, electric cars and generators of wind. .
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: refrigerators and freezers, DC lighting, wind energy systems (small), backup power systems, deep cycle batteries, electric cars, public and house Led s lighting.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, tes...
- Address: Panama Rep De Panama Nuevo Reparto Chanis, Panama Rep de Panama, Panama Panama
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Hitecyes o Consultoria e Instalaciones Arauz
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: LED lighting, photovoltaic systems, water heating systems, solar electric power systems, water pumps, DC powered appliances, HIGH EFFICIENT: VILLAGE ILUMINATION, WATERFILTER &PURIFICATION SYSTEMS, RAINWATER COLECTION & STORAGE .
- Address: A-73, SAN SEBASTIAN, (Frente al Hospital Punta Pacifica), Panama 0832-1055 WTC
- Telephone: 00507 215 14 15 / 623 08 56
- FAX: 00507 215 14 15
Energia Renovable de Panama, S.a.
- Business type: retail sales, exporter, importer
- Product types: alternative homes and buildings, capacitor batteries, energy efficient appliances, deep cycle batteries, dc lighting, photovoltaic systems, wind energy system.
- Service types: sales
- Address: Parque Lefevre, Calle 3ra. Mezanine Del Taller Noly., Panama, Panama 6-3915 EL DORADO
- Telephone: 507-221-2082
- FAX: 507-221-8102
Energia Viento Y Sol
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: wind turbines (small) horizontal axis, solar thermal electric power systems, wind energy assessment equipment.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation
- Address: Calle Herbruger, Panama, , Panama
- Telephone: (507)6799663
Greentech Panama
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, distributor
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar thermal energy.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, project development services, education and training services, contractor services, testing services, certification services
- Address: 5290 calle Luis Urriola, Panama, Panama Panama
- Telephone: (507) 232-0740
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