Renewable Energy Import Businesses in Slovakia

Biodiesel Holding - Suneol Slovakia - Slovak Industry HPM -

Biodiesel Holding

Biodiesel production plants - consulting/know-how - design - turn key delivery Edible oil production plants - consulting/know-how - design - turn key delivery Vegetable oil as fuel production plants - consulting/know-how - design - turn key delivery Pressing units Biogas plants Combined heat and power units - cogeneration Special distillation units Glycerol treatment units Regeneration/Recycling of used mineral oils unitsVegetable oils (rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, etc. ), biofuels (FAME, RME, UCOME), glycerine and FFA production and trading.

Suneol Slovakia

EPC contractor of the photovoltaic power plants, distributor of Sharp modules

Slovak Industry HPM

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