Renewable Energy Nonprofit Organizations in Cameroon
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Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l'Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale -
Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l'Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale
ARPEDAC is a non-profit association involved in research and promotion of services and technologies related to energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Economic Community of Central Africa. Our mission is to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life by supporting the use of efficient, sustainable, safe and affordable energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and services, which are appropriate to meet the needs of communities and environment of today and the future. ARPEDAC is also seeking to play the leading roles in consolidating practical partnership in Central Africa between academe, government and industry to bring about sustainable future and develop effective clean solutions for the sake of ourselves and our plane...
- Business type: Nonprofit organization
- Product types: Alternative homes and buildings, energy efficient homes and buildings, remote home power systems, alternative home and building construction materials.
- Service types: project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, recycling services
- Address: Avenue John Ngu Foncha, Yaounde, Cameroon Cameroon Bp 20233
- Telephone: 0023799838493
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l'Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale
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