Renewable Energy Consulting Businesses in Djibouti

Djibouti Power Light - Yandalux -

Djibouti Power Light

DJPL will provide electric power to the Republic of Djibouti through EDD. The power will be generated through solar, geothermal, and waste to energy cogeneration. This power will also be available for direct sale to other entities such as the various military installations, and commercial customers.


Our range of services includes distribution of solar components as well as qualified engineeringand installation of off-grid solar systems. Photovoltaicsis more than a business to us, we believe in solarpower as a key to a decentralized and sustainableenergy supply. Yandalux GmbH is specialized in:- Solar home systems- Solar pumping systems- Solar telecom shelters- Solar street lights- Village power supply- Hybrid systems

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