Renewable Energy Consulting Businesses in Russia

AEnerdzhi Ltd - AltEnergo Ltd - Alternative Energy Systems LLC - Energentech Co Ltd - Glushkov's Alternative Energy - Hevel Solar - Inset - Solar Feed - VIECo - Your Solar Home, JSC - ZAVOD "AIT", JSC - Biofarm Artel LLC - ERDE GROUP -

AEnerdzhi Ltd

AltEnergo Ltd

Alternative Energy Systems LLC

Energentech Co Ltd

An Authorized Distributor of "Luminous Renewable Energy Solution Pvt. Ltd" for Whisper wind turbines

Glushkov's Alternative Energy

Glushkov's Alternative Energy - scinetifically approved technologies of transformation of biomass to energy with high output.

Hevel Solar


Micro and small hydropower plants. Designing. Manufacturing. Complete supplying. Engineering. Consultants. All the equipment is certified in accordance ISO and Sellihca recurrent.

Solar Feed


Your Solar Home, JSC

Renewable Energy Systems and components in Russia. Backup and stand-alone systems for houses. Solar, wind, hydro energy. Energy efficient appliances.


We work for opportunety in full volume and for reasonable price to provide with modern cell batteries all, whose activity is supposed to use reliable power sources. Equipping by modern means of designing allows constantly enlarging the nomenclature of output goods, thus reaching the decreasing of operating costs and lowering the laboriousness of service. Modern equipment of the plant laboratories allows controlling all production processes with high degree of reliability. Quality Management System, introduced in the production, conforms the requirement of international standard ISO 9001:2000, that is affirmed by the Lloyd's Register, England. APPLICATIONS: combustion engine starting and diesel-electric units; powering diesel and electric lo...

Biofarm Artel LLC


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