Renewable Energy Research and Development Businesses in Chile

Aplicaciones Y Soluciones Tecnologicas Alsontec Ltda. - WIRELESS-ENERGY - ASTROSOLAR LTDA. - Heiperz - Thauby y Cia. Ltda. -

Aplicaciones Y Soluciones Tecnologicas Alsontec Ltda.

Alsontec means Solutions for Backup Power Energy: Rectifiers, Inverters, UPS, Batteries, Genset, Voltage regulators, Isolator Trafos, etc. We represent a few branches of UPS and genset in Chile. We also are distributor of C&D TEHCNOLOGIES (batteries, rectifiers), LA MARCHE (rectifiers-battery chargers, inverters) in Chile.




Thauby y Cia. Ltda.

Direct contact cel 056 9 9 340 1114 - Miguel Thauby / Director

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