Renewable Energy Research and Development Businesses in Poland

MALEX ltd - Regess Energy - Solnova sp. z o. o. - Electronic Power and Market - Hoppecke Baterie Polska Sp. z o.o. - USida R&D -


Cooperation within the RES projects, and good quality biomass boilers and solar installations supplier needed. Our offer is directed to governments as well as we conduct thermmodernizations which result in significant reduction of greenhouse gases emission. We are waiting for proposals of cooperation within JI program.

Regess Energy

We are a dynamic, fast growing company with years of experience in the Belgian, French, German and Polish market. We supply higest quality solar energy conversion systems.

Solnova sp. z o. o.

Solnova is a leading manufacturing site of solar modules in Poland, using advanced and assembly technology. Solnova is certified acc. to ISO 9001 norm and our products were certified acc to IEC 61215. Optional we can offer solar modules, that will have surface covered using nano technology.

Electronic Power and Market

Hoppecke Baterie Polska Sp. z o.o.

USida R&D

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