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1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc. - Big Frog Mountain - REC Solar - REC Solar, Inc. -
1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
1stPower provides field proven reliability in its cost effective, well-engineered power products. These product solutions cover the production, conditioning, and control of AC and DC power in a wide range of environments. These rugged products meet the demands and rigors of military, government, industrial, medical and telecommunications sectors. Mobile applications include shipboard, submarine, vehicular, aircraft and field deployment. Stationary applications consist of factories, process plants, utilities, networks, even offshore platforms, and desert installations. The PowerStation and MilitaryPower® product lines are comprised of intelligent UPS, power distribution units, frequency converters, and battery systems. The intelligent featu...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, consulting, design, engineering, research/development, exporter
- Product types: backup power systems, battery, batteries, battery accessories, battery cables, battery chargers, battery charge controllers, battery containers, custom battery, military battery, telecommunication battery, renewable energy system battery, medical equipment battery, marine battery, industrial battery, emergency backup battery, computer and electronic components, DC to AC power inverters, DC to DC power converters, hybrid power systems, fuel cell systems, fuel powered electric generators, marine power systems, packaged power systems, photovoltaic system, portable power systems, solar electric charge controllers, solar energy, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, tactical power supplies, telecommunications power systems, wind energy, large wind energy system components, small wind energy system component.
- Address: 219 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio USA 44902-1845
- Telephone: 419-522-4444
- FAX: 419-522-4466
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to 1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
Big Frog Mountain
Wholesale stocking distributor to contractors and resellers in Southeastern USA and Caribbean markets. Consumer retail items available also.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale distributor
- Product types: Solar photovoltaic modules (PV modules) stocked, Samlex, SMA, OutBack Power DC to AC power inverters stocked, UniRac Solar mounting hardware stocked, solar attic fans, efficient DC refrigerators, Velux skylights, packaged power systems.
- Service types: wholesale distribution, system design, site survey and assessment, consulting services
- Address: 3821 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, Tennessee USA 37415
- Telephone: 1-423-265-0307
- FAX: 1-423-265-9030
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Big Frog Mountain
REC Solar
REC Solar, Inc., a subsidiary of Mainstream Energy Corporation, is a national leader in solar electric system design and installation. Focused on making solar affordable and simple, REC Solar specializes in residential, business, government and utility projects, offering a local presence in all major solar markets in the U. S. By providing innovative products, efficient processes, and integrated services, REC Solar is committed to delivering high-quality systems while lowering the cost of solar power for all. In 15 years of business, REC Solar has installed more than 8, 000 systems nationwide in excess of 100 megawatts.
- Business type: Solar Electric Installer & PV System Integrator, Design and Engineering
- Product types: REC Solar installs photovoltaic systems, solar electric power systems, solar tracking systems, and solar roofing systems. We carry a variety of products. .
- Service types: Solar and PV System Installer of Residential & Commercial Systems
- Address: 6040 West 91st Avenue, Westminster, Colorado USA 80031
- Telephone: 888-657-6527
- FAX: 408-746-3890
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to REC Solar
REC Solar, Inc.
REC Solar, Inc. specializes in grid-tied solar electric design and installation, offering affordable solar solutions for all residential and commercial customers. Headquartered in San Luis Obispo, CA, REC Solar has grown to become the largest solar installer in the US, installing more systems than any other company. REC Solar currently has over a dozen offices throughout 6 states (AZ, CA, CO, HI, OR and NJ). Call us today and ask for a free evaluation and financial analysis to determine if solar is right for your home or business!
- Business type: Solar Solutions Provider
- Product types: The size and strength of REC Solar enables us to have strong relationships with the top manufacturers of solar panels, inverters and other solar electric system products and services. So you can rest assured that only the best will be used in the building and maintaining of your solar electric system. Our purchasing power guarantees that we get the best possible prices on all your solar electric equipment. All our manufacturers provide warranties and power output guarantees ranging from 10 to 25 years. We select only manufacturers that are committed to developing solar products that are environmentally friendly, cost-effective and reliable. .
- Service types: Solar Electricity Design and Installation
- Address: 775 Fiero Lane, Suite 200, San Luis Obispo, California USA 93401
- Telephone: (888) Ok Solar (888. 657. 6527)
- FAX: (805) 528-9701
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to REC Solar, Inc.
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