Battery Charger Engineering Businesses in Wisconsin
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Wisconsin |
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PowerDesigners - Storage Battery Systems, Inc. -
PowerDesigners is a power electronics company specializing in battery maintenance products. We optimize the performance of existing battery systems with high quality, cost-effective solutions. Simply put, We Maximize Battery Performance. Our product offerings include battery monitors, battery string equalizers, and battery chargers. Come check us out at
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: battery accessories, battery chargers, battery monitors, battery equalizers.
- Address: 931 East Main Street, Suite 4, Madison, Wisconsin USA 53703
- Telephone: (608) 231-0450
- FAX: (608) 231-9979
- Web Site:
Storage Battery Systems, Inc.
It was 1915. The Baker electric car was born and with it, the formation of Storage Battery Systems. SBS provided services for the growing electric car market until it's eventual decline. Undaunted, SBS targeted the emerging electric forklift industry. Today, we continue to develop innovative products and services that meet the demands of material handling, automotive, computer, telecommunications, standby power, utilities and OEM applications. With a professional staff utilizing state-of-the-art technology, we meet or exceed all state and federal environmental standards. Our family owned and operated company delivers premier product and quality service. Why? Because our commitment to our customers is not an idle mission statement, it's a...
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: backup power systems, flooded lead acid batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, telecommunication batteries, battery chargers, backup power systems, Battery Testing Equipment, Battery Racks, Battery Enclosures, VRLA Batteries, Rectifiers, Battery Monitoring Systems, Material Handling, Motive Power, Spill Containment, DC to AC power inverters, rechargeable batteries, deep-cycle batteries, AGM batteries, gel lead acid batteries.
- Address: N56 W16665 Ridgewood Drive, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin USA 53051
- Telephone: (262) 703-5800
- FAX: (262) 703-3073
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Storage Battery Systems, Inc.
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