Lithium Battery Design Businesses in Oregon

EnerSol, Incorporated - Polaris Battery Labs, LLC -

EnerSol, Incorporated

EnerSol, Inc., with headquarters in Portland, Oregon, has established itself as a leader in rechargeable batteries since 2003. Just about any need you have related to lithium ion batteries and energy systems is in our realm of expertise including 1) Sourcing of rechargeable cells to incorporate into your next product design; 2) Partnering with contract design and manufacturing companies in the US or Asia to develop new battery packs, chargers, and power supplies; 3) Identify contract cell assembly partners for emerging lithium ion companies for production in Asia; 4) Quality controls and stystems including SPC, supplier quality, and quality system audits and improvement programs.

Polaris Battery Labs, LLC

Polaris is a processing lab that accelerates new rechargeable battery advancements for material developers and OEM's. By utilizing our lab, customers can greatly reduce the time to market by quickly developing samples. As projects advance, Polaris can introduce you to our manufacturing partners which include coating companies, cell assemblers, pack providers, and equipment manufacturers. Customers include material companies, battery startup's, and OEM's in the U. S. & Europe.

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