Battery Project Development Businesses in Illinois

EVtransPortal - Homestead Specialties - Tecnical Power Systems, Inc. - AR, INC - Microsun Technologies, LLC -


Evtransportal is a 501(c)(3)tax exempt nonprofit organization that helps people around the globe find sustainable transport through electric drive vehicle technology. We help people connect, communicate, and find industry partners by providing information resources, consultation, support, and referral services. On the web. EVtransPortal. org provides a free, comprehensive directory of people and services throughout the electric drive vehicle industry.

Homestead Specialties

Sales and Installation Services: Solar electric energy systems and back-up power systems. Stand alone battery configurations and grid tie installations for residential clients plus industrial/commercial remote site applications. Application areas: Lighting, Water Pumping, Traffic Management, Telecommunications and SCADA, Refrigeration, Security, etc.

Tecnical Power Systems, Inc.


Microsun Technologies, LLC

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Momentum Technologies LLC

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