Battery Project Development Businesses in Virginia
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Electric Motion Systems - Caroline County Virginia -
Electric Motion Systems
Electric Motion Systems (EMS) was founded in 2005 by a group of innovative engineers with years of experience in electric propulsion and bicycles. We believe in the potential of electric bicycles to add value to our lives. For fun with friends and family, for exercise, for commuting, our customers want more performance and quality in an environmentally responsible way. With careful attention to every detail and quality throughout, we can say with pride and confidence that the E+ is the finest electric bicycle in the world. Rediscover the joy of cycling with the E+.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: electric bikes, high performance electric bikes, electric vehicles, batteries lithium polymer, batteries nickel metal hydride, vehicle interfaces, .
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services, research services
- Address: 45150 Business Court, Suite 300, Dulles, Virginia USA 20166
- Telephone: 877-824-5339
- FAX: 703-787-0114
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Electric Motion Systems
Caroline County Virginia
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer
- Product types: batteries lithium ion, electric cars, fuel cell systems, geothermal energy systems, photovoltaic cells, wind turbines (large), Ready to go manufacturing sites with Interstate Highway and Rail--East Coast US, Labor, Fiber, Tech Zone.
- Service types: design, construction, project development services, site survey and assessment services
- Address: 23724 Rogers Clark Blvd, Ruther Glen, Virginia USA 22546
- Telephone: 804. 644. 4074
- FAX: 804. 633. 2489
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