Biomass Energy System Research and Development Businesses in Nevada

TransPacific Energy -

TransPacific Energy

TransPacifc Energy has developed a heat recovery/energy conversion system that produces electricity from heat (such as solar or ocean applications in ranges from 25kW to 30 MW+. The process uses an advanced Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with a patent pending, environmentally sound multiple refrigerant mixture that can easily be adapted to broad range heat sources. It can be used where ammonia, propane, butane and other CFCs cannot be used. The process captures and converts heat directly at temperatures as low as 80 F up to 900 F, with a far greater range than other ORC systems, which are limited to temperatures of around 200 F to 350 F. TransPacifc Energy s solution eliminates the amount of fossil fuel needed to generate every kilowatt-hour o...

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