DC To DC Power Converter Manufacturers in Missouri
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Phoenix Aerospace Inc.
Design, dev., mfr. & market Airborne Solid State Power Conversion, Distribution & Regulation Equipt., including DC/AC static electrical power inverters; inverter paralleling conrol boxes; inverter warning light control boxes; 115/26 VAC autoformers; automatic inverter change-over boxes; monotriphase adapters; panel light dimmers; DC voltage regulators; DC GCU's (generator control units); current fault sensors; inverter controls; valve control boxes & other solid state power & regulating devices; FAA Repair Station #SL2R165L. We mfr. 20 models of DC Voltage Regulators & Generator Control Units in 40 configuations & 43 models of silicon solid state static inverters in 105 confirurations that are installed as standard production or retrofit eq...
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: Airborne DC to AC static inverters, DC solid state voltage regulators & generator control units..
- Service types: Overhaul and repair PAI equipment.
- Address: 220 West 80th Terrace - P.O. Box 8744, Kansas City, Missouri USA 64114-0744
- Telephone: 816 333-3400 - 800 437-6556 (Toll-free)
- FAX: 816-444-4133
- Web Site: http://www.phoenixaerospace.com
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