Energy Efficient Home And Building Project Development Businesses in the United States by Business Name Starting with P


Business Names Starting with P

Pacific Energy Solutions - PCD Engineering Services, Inc. - PDR Assocs Energy Corp - Performance Systems Development - Phillips Electrical Systems, Inc. - Precision-Paragon [P2] - Providence Trade and Development -

Pacific Energy Solutions

Full service integration of Photovoltaic Solar Systems, fuel powered automatic backup generators, and energy efficency consulting/ installation. Free estimates!

PCD Engineering Services, Inc.

PCD Engineering Services provides expert mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering services and provides affordable, energy-efficient design solutions to customers concerned with conserving energy and reducing utility and operating expenditures. We offer a range of high quality building systems analysis and design services and tailor our solutions to the clients needs. We work as strategic partners with our clients to improve their business and develop on-going opportunities for profitability through energy and resource efficiency. PCD Engineering Services is based on the pillars of engineering excellence, a proven system of quality assurance, and a dedication to meeting the clients schedules. Our client list includes residential, c...

PDR Assocs Energy Corp

PDR Assocs Group has been in feasibility studies, engineering, and financial analysis svcs for following types of renewable energy plants and energy efficiency projects for facilities for more than 30 years: * Solar PV electric, * Solar Thermal heating for DHW and space heating and cooling including electric power generation. * large utility scale wind power plants; also residential vertical, small foot print wind turbines. * Bio diesel plants - feed stocks, process equipments, production. * Energy conservation, co generation projects * Traditional engineering svcs for commercial, industrial bldgs.

Performance Systems Development

Performance Systems Development provides software, training and consulting on building energy, energy modeling, and energy efficiency. Our desktop and online software suite provides high-performance energy modeling and analysis, energy benchmarking and tracking, savings verification, work tracking, peer comparison, and program support. Our professional classroom and online training courses focus on the latest techniques, trends, and standards in the home performance industry and prepare attendees to become part of the energy efficiency industry.

Phillips Electrical Systems, Inc.

Precision-Paragon [P2]

Precision-Paragon [P2] has been manufacturing energy-efficient lighting systems and retrofit for over 20 years. Our entire company is built for one purpose, to support you. With rapid-response facilities and service hub in California, Wisconsin and Florida, we've developed a reputation for delivering precision-built orders in less time than it takes our competitors to create a quote. If you're looking for carefully engineered ultra-efficient lighting systems, and the most dedicated customer support in the industry, then we'd like to introduce ourselves. We're Precision-Paragon [P2].

Providence Trade and Development

Providence provides portable solar powered water purification systems, solar powered irrigation pumps, alternative energy power systems, and more. Our partners have developed "off the grid" solutions that can produce clean water and clean energy virtually anywhere in the world. These systems are designed by world-class experts in renewable energy, solar power, electrical engineering, pump design, water filtration, water sanitation, water conservation, energy conservation and other disciplines.

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