Electric Scooter Businesses in Illinois

EcoLogical Products Company, Inc. - Electric Vehicle Technologies Inc. - EVtransPortal -

EcoLogical Products Company, Inc.

Liberty Electric Bikes

Electric Vehicle Technologies Inc.

Electric Vehicle Technologies is a new company created to enhance the worlds technology through the use of innovative methodologies designed to create new products, enhance existing products or solve the technical challenges that many companies cannot solve. EVT is in the business of selling technology and is capable of taking complex concepts and producing a solution throughout the entire process of design, development and manufacturing. EVT also has the capability of introducing new methodologies to enhance existing products.


Evtransportal is a 501(c)(3)tax exempt nonprofit organization that helps people around the globe find sustainable transport through electric drive vehicle technology. We help people connect, communicate, and find industry partners by providing information resources, consultation, support, and referral services. On the web. EVtransPortal. org provides a free, comprehensive directory of people and services throughout the electric drive vehicle industry.

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Momentum Technologies LLC

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