LED Light Bulbs Manufacturers in Florida

LEDRadiant - Boca Flasher - Brite LED Lighting - Cool Bright - Ecolumens - Impact Lighting Inc. - Moda Light - Walalight - Dawen, Inc. Starlight USA -


LEDRadiant manufacturers and sells high efficiency LED lights and fixtures. The LED lighting sold by LED Radiant is primarily used for business and industry and consists of high wattage lights and fixtures that can be used for street lighting, warehouses, building perimeters, gymnasiums, and more. We maintain a small supply so that we can always offer the latest in LED technology. Products manufactured today are offering more lumens per watt (Luminous Efficiency) than products offered just six months ago. Our Luminous Efficiency approaches 130 on some of our newest products. Compare that to incandescent bulbs (Luminous Efficiency = 16) and CFL bulbs (Luminous Efficiency = 60).

Boca Flasher

Boca Flasher offers a mix of established and advanced LED lighting products that are either unique or comparable to leading products -- all provided with our expertise and commitment as a LED lighting manufacturer since 1995. Boca has a broad base of clients including high profile projects.

Brite LED Lighting

Brite LED Lighting of Miami is committed to providing the most advanced LED lighting technology to enable our customers the benefits of high-performance, UL/DLC certified outdoor and indoor lighting solutions. We offer free, no obligation energy surveys to educate businesses on the savings LED provides once existing lighting has been replaced. We offer 100% financing with 2, 3, 4 and 5 year (60 months) lease to purchase terms. Gas Station/Petroleum LED Lighting Our petroleum LED lighting solutions from Brite LED Lighting provide our customers with consistent, bright illumination, in addition to providing sizable energy savings over traditional lighting. Our canopy LED lights are designed for both retrofit and new construction and are design...

Cool Bright

A leading designer of LED lighting solutions, Cool Bright supplies some of the most advanced illuminated display systems. Specializing in standard and custom LED light panels and shelf display lights, Cool Bright's LED lighting solutions assist in the creation of dynamic and sustainable designs. Economical and aesthetic, the products offer superior lighting quality and unmatched technology. With an extensive array of applications, the products can be used in numerous markets, including Retail, Convention Centers, Airports, Supermarkets, Malls, Stadiums, Bars and Restaurants, Casinos, Events and Entertainment Venues. Complementing Signage, P. O. P and Cabinet Displays, the LED lighting directly impacts consumer interest, promotes new offerin...


Wholesale Lighting Distributor & Manufacturer

Impact Lighting Inc.

Impact Lighting Inc. is a manufacturer, distributor and installer of Fiber Optic and LED lighting products for the commercial and residental markets around the world.

Moda Light

We insist that we produce products that are energy efficient, use as little electricity as possible without compromising light output, quality, and ease of installation, last as long as technically possible with as little or no maintenance as possible.


The LED Light industry is constantly pushing for more efficient products and systems. Think about having an LED lighting system that generates just the right amount of light to suit our changing environment enabling people to reach peak performance and relaxation. ThatâÛ™s exactly what WalaLightâã¢, the new patent pending Adaptive LED Lighting Systems offers today.

Dawen, Inc. Starlight USA

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