LED Lighting Retail Businesses in New Jersey

Niagara Conservation - Radiant LED Lighting Solutions - USLightingProducts.com -

Niagara Conservation

Niagara Conservation Corp. - For over two decades, a leading supplier of water and energy conservation products to utilities, institutions, and weatherization programs now featuring the innovative Flapperless and Turbo 1.6 gpf toilets, 1.6 and 1.75 gallon high pressure low-flow showerheads, 1.5 gallon low-flow faucet aerators, water conserving ET irrigation controllers, complete 1.6 gallon bathroom retrofit kits, caulks, sealants, window treatments, water heater blankets, programmable thermostats, high efficiency lighting. Call for a catalog and ask about our customized kits.

Radiant LED Lighting Solutions

Radiant Lighting Solutions is a New Jersey manufacturer of LED lighting fixtures. Our lighting projects include compact LED track lighting, Linear LED strip lighting, recessed LED landscape fixtures, LED underwater fixtures and aisle and pathway LED lighting systems. Our LED Micro Track fixture is perfect for display case lighting and museum lighting applications. We also manufacturer low voltage lighting fixtures including our linear low voltage (LLV) fixtures that allow for flexible low-profile installations.


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