Photovoltaic Module Export Businesses in Massachusetts

Konarka Technologies, Inc. - Spire Corporation - AltE Store (formerly 'Alternative Energy Store') - Environmental Solar Systems -

Konarka Technologies, Inc.

Konarka manufactures Power Plastic, a thin, flexible, organic solar panel that other business manufacturers build into their products. Our unique solar technology is effective in indirect lighting situations and enables you to produce power nearly all day long, even on a vertical surface. The Total Energy Collected* from Power Plastic outperforms other solar panels, and delivers solar energy and design freedom to architects, glass manufacturers and others in the building and construction fields.

Spire Corporation

Spire Corporation is the world's pioneer and leader in providing advanced and proven technology to the solar photovoltaic industry. From providing turn-key module production lines to advanced process and metrology tools, Spire has helped over 100 companies around the world to establish and improve their manufacturing capabilities. Spire has also become an acclaimed provider of Engineering, Procurement and Constructions (EPC) services to the commercial, utility, and government sectors to install completed PV systems for energy generation.

AltE Store (formerly 'Alternative Energy Store')

"Making Renewable Do-Able"(tm) The place for DIY'ers interested in solar and wind power. Find competitive prices, knowledgeable technical staff and free educational guides on solar, wind electric systems. Friendly sales and support personnel will help you find the right system for your needs - whether it's for your home, off-grid, grid-intertie, selling energy back to the grid, industrial application, RV, boat/marine use or just a scientific project. They also now offer public renewable energy seminars that take you from the basics all the way through installation.

Environmental Solar Systems

Quality stainless steel solar food dryers, SunMate solar hot air panel kit, AirFlo bulk dehydrator for coffee beans and similar crops, Concentrating collectors.

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