Solar Water Heating System Project Development Businesses in Louisiana
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Bayou Solar, LLC - South Coast Solar, LLC -
Bayou Solar, LLC
At Bayou Solar, our mission is to provide you with the most reliable and cost-effective solar energy systems and installations. We also believe that every household in Louisiana is entitled and needs to employ solar energy, and, take advantage of the great tax rebates, credits and incentives available in this state from both, the Federal and the State Governments. Our major supplier, Schuco, is one of the world's leading providers of solar energy technology, offering low-maintenance, fully integrated high-performance systems engineered for efficiency and long life, and designed to fit your lifestyle. The systems are guaranteed to deliver clean energy for a minimum of 25 years. They have been around for 55 years, and their systems are in . ....
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar electric power systems, solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Metairie, Louisiana USA 70002
- Telephone: 504-273-0490
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Bayou Solar, LLC
South Coast Solar, LLC
South Coast Solar LLC is a Louisiana owned and operated solar energy company. SCS has installed over 300 solar energy systems in Louisiana, Mississippi, and as far away as Sierra Leone, West Africa. In addition to the real world experience that comes from installing over 2, 000, 000 watts of solar panels our installers receive industry leading training from the market leader, SunPower. No other company in the world has more panels in the field than SunPower when it comes to residential, commercial, and governmental solar. What else is there?Solar is new to Louisiana, but we are not. Recently we have expanded from our CBD warehouse location to 2605 Ridgelake Dr, near the Causeway/I-10 interchange. From our new 10, 000sq/ft warehouse location...
- Business type: Commercial Photovoltaic Systems, Residential Solar Power Systems and Energy Efficiency
- Product types: Government, Commercial and residential photovoltaic solar panel systems and Commercial/Government solar water heating systems. We offer turn-key design and installation of SunPower, Bosch, and Schuco solar electric and solar thermal systems. .
- Service types: Consulting, Design, Installation, Engineering, Project Management
- Address: 2605 Ridgelake Drive, Metairie, Louisiana USA 70002
- Telephone: 504. 529. SUN9 (7869)
- FAX: 504. 617. 6868
- Web Site:
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