Water Filtering And Purification System Installation Businesses in California

America Pacific Enterprises - Electrochemical Design Associates, Inc. - Liquid Solutions Inc. - Ozone Safe Food, Inc. - RG&E REAL GAS & ELECTRIC CO. - Solatech Global Energy - Dan The Water Man - Hydro Quest Inc - Yacht Outfitting, Inc. -

America Pacific Enterprises

Electrochemical Design Associates, Inc.

EDA was founded in 1994 to focus on advanced electrochemistry and related materials. EDA invented the Cerium/Zinc flow battery for large scale energy storage. In 2000 EDA founded Plurion Systems Inc., to commercialize the technology. Other battery systems under development include: Bipolar Lead Acid (40% of the weight of a conventional lead acid battery whith higher power) for hybrid vehicles. Recargeable zinc air for telecommunications back-up.

Liquid Solutions Inc.

Calif Water Treatment Contractor #811243Dept Of Public Health Certified Treatment Operator #28557

Ozone Safe Food, Inc.

Why Ozone? The potential utility of ozone in the FOOD & BEVERAGE industry depends on the fact that as an oxidizing agent, it is 1. 5 times stronger than chlorine and is effective over a much wider spectrum of microorganisms than chlorine and other disinfectants. Ozone kills bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Listeria, and other food pathogens much faster than traditionally used disinfectants, such as chlorine, and is free of chemical residues. Ozone is a high-energy molecule. Its half life in water at room temperature is only 20 minutes, and it decomposes into simple oxygen with no safety concerns about consumption of residual ozone in the treated food product. It can also be used for recycling water. For decades, it has been known that ozo...


Founded 1969. Over 500 WECS sold worldwide. Engineered and installed first utility inter-tie for five state utilities. Founder- American Wind Energy Association. 2,000 plus solar water & pool heating systems in California.

Solatech Global Energy

Solatech Global Energy offers Innovative energy reducing products to substantially reduce energy consumption. Our products provide an unmatchable ROI while making a significant impact on your bottom line as well as your carbon footprint. We can shut your lights off for 10. 5 hrs a day and heat water at a 96% efficiency rating. Our US made Atmospheric Water generator can produce pure drinking water from Air with no water connections and very little electricity. contact Solatech Global Energy and let us help you "go green".

Dan The Water Man

Hydro Quest Inc

Yacht Outfitting, Inc.

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