Water Filtering And Purification System Installation Businesses in Illinois
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Bright Commercial Lighting - Wells' Windmills -
Bright Commercial Lighting
Lower your energy cost & improve your lighting without buying new fixtures or hiring a electrician. See better feel better be better. Pure light, pure air, pure water all lead to a pure pleasure with Bright Clean Living Systems for you home or office. No home too small or building too big to make improvements of indoor living conditions. Call to schedule your on site demonstration today.
- Business type: Energy Saving Consultant
- Product types: compact fluorescent light bulbs, air filtering and purification system components, HID lamps, LED lighting, water filtering and purification systems, wind energy systems (residential). Inductive motor loss recapture systems for residential and commercial applications. .
- Service types: Supplier & installer
- Address: 9216 County Line Road, Coulterville, Illinois USA 62237
- Telephone: 618-758-3111
- FAX: 618-758-3211
- Web Site: http://ruppert.continentalpowerworx.com/
Wells' Windmills
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: water filtering and purification systems.
- Address: 22338 E Wells Rd, Canton, Illinois USA 61520
- Telephone: 309 668 2488
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