Electric Vehicle Battery Consulting Businesses in California

WestStart-CALSTART - ElectronVault, Inc. - Quallion LLC -


WestStart - CALSTART is dedicated to transforming transportation for a better world, by creating and expanding a global advanced transportation technologies industry and related markets. Through technology development, commercialization, analysis and implementation our goals are to: Clean the air; Create high quality jobs; and Develop energy efficient transportation. We are tapping the knowledge and experience of world-class firms in the aerospace, electronics, automotive and defense industries, and combining those skills with the entrepreneurial talents of exceptional small businesses to create this new industry.

ElectronVault, Inc.

ElectronVault invents and licenses technologies that enable large-scale battery systems to be manufactured, sold, and serviced at mass-market price targets. Our launch market is the two-wheel electric vehicle market in Asia, which currently has over 100 Million electric two-wheelers on the road today. The ElectronVault Battery System Platform™ technologies are used in electric vehicle (two-wheel, four-wheel and mass transit) and infrastructure (grid-tied and off-grid) energy storage applications. ElectronVault technology development stems from deep understanding and technical knowledge ofelectrochemistry, especially Lithium ion chemistries, and their use in battery systems for electric vehicle platforms. Founded and invented by serial entre...

Quallion LLC

U. S. - based designer, developer and manufacturer of high reliability specialty batteries and battery management systems for implantable medical devices, aerospace and defense applications.

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