Alternative Home And Building Construction Material Consulting Businesses in Connecticut
Steven Winter Associates, Inc. -
Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
Research and consulting firm with specialized expertise in technologies and procedures that improve the performance and cost effectiveness of buildings. SWA uses advanced tools for energy simulation such as DOE-2 and ENERGY-10.
- Product types: energy efficient homes and buildings, geothermal energy systems, alternative home and building constructionmaterials, cogeneration systems, air cooling systems, air heating systems, RADIANCE, DOE-2.1, AutoCAD.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, architectural design services, testing services
- Address: 50 Washington Street, Norwalk, Connecticut USA 06854
- Telephone: 203-857-0200
- FAX: 203-852-0741
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
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