Photovoltaic Module Businesses in Idaho
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Idaho |
Photovoltaic Module Businesses in the World |
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Altenergy - Backwoods Solar Electric Systems - Northwest Energy Storage, Inc. - Voodoo Solar Power Systems -
Altenergy Incorporated can design and install a solar energy system that works for you. Let us show you how the benefits of solar hot water and solar electricity could work in your home or business, and how our customers are realizing the benefits of renewable energy systems.
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar roofing systems, backup power systems, solar water pumping systems, batteries emergency backup, alternative homes and buildings.
- Address: 520 E Idaho St, Boise, Idaho USA 83712
- Telephone: 2089913822
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Altenergy
Backwoods Solar Electric Systems
Specializing in both grid-tie and off-grid solar, small wind, and micro-hydro power systems for over 30 years. Expert technical sales team to help with FREE system design and installation support by phone, email and in person at our office.
- Business type: retail sales, design service
- Product types: Off-grid and grid-tie renewable energy company specializing in photovoltaic systems (solar electric systems), micro-hydro powered electric generators, small wind powered electric turbines, energy efficient appliances, DC to AC power inverters, solar modules.
- Service types: consulting
- Address: 1589 Rapid Lightning Creek Rd, Sandpoint, Idaho USA 83864
- Telephone: (208) 263-4290
- FAX: (208) 265-4788
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Backwoods Solar Electric Systems
Northwest Energy Storage, Inc.
Northwest Energy Storage has been using and/or offering for sale, Renewable energy products since 1985.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: Hup Solar-One deep cycle lead acid batteries, DC to AC power inverters, rechargeable batteries, deep-cycle batteries.
- Address: 6791 South Main, Suite C, Bonners Ferry, Idaho USA 83864
- Telephone: +001(941) 474-0110
- FAX: +001(941) 474-1983
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Northwest Energy Storage, Inc.
Voodoo Solar Power Systems
Everything for Solar Electric! Get free, real-person help with your alternative energy projects. Top name-brand products from Outback, Xantrex, Morningstar, Magnum Energy, Kyocera, Sharp, REC, SolarWorld, Unique Off-Grid, General Specialties, Sun Frost, SunPumps, Novakool, HUP Solar One, and many more!
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: Complete solar electric power systems, deep-cycle batteries, solar panels, solar panel array mounts and rack systems, pre-assembled power centers, energy efficient appliances, sinewave power inverters, charge controllers, solar water pumps, diesel and propane generators. .
- Service types: System design, troubleshooting assistance, free consultation.
- Address: 502 Cedar Street, Suite E, Sandpoint, Idaho USA 83864
- Telephone: 208-610-0325
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Voodoo Solar Power Systems
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