Fuel Cell System Component Consulting Businesses in Illinois
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NuVant Systems Inc.
NuVant Systems develops and licenses advanced fuel cell components and component evaluation instrumentation. We specialize in fully automated high throughput screening equipment for fuel cell components and are developing fully automated test stands for single cells. Our components are designed to help drive commercialization of fuel cells in stationary and portable power markets. We develop cost effective, innovative technologies that will assist fuel cell manufacturers in bringing fuel cells to market, and fuel cell researchers in rapidly improving fuel cell materials. Our research and development efforts and technology are focused in the following areas: fuel cell catalyst discovery and development; intermediate temperature fuel cells; fuel cell membrane electrode assemblies; direct methanol fuel cells; high throughput screening equipment. NuVant Systems Inc. provides in-house expertise in fuel cell technology, catalysis, and analytical chemistry throu!gh contract services. NuVant's special expertise encompasses four areas: high throughput materials development, fuel cell testing, heterogeneous catalyst development, and high-resolution component detection/analysis . NuVant initiates contracts with clients based on initial consultations. Contract services remain confidential, subject to client wishes.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: fuel cell systems, fuel cell system components.
- Address: 10 West 33rd Street, Perlstein Hall 127, Chicago, Illinois USA 60616
- Telephone: (888) 373-0303
- FAX: (787) 723-7334
- Web Site: http://nuvant.com
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