Biomass Energy Consulting Businesses in New Jersey
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PDR Assocs Energy Corp - Charles Vail, Inc. -
PDR Assocs Energy Corp
PDR Assocs Group has been in feasibility studies, engineering, and financial analysis svcs for following types of renewable energy plants and energy efficiency projects for facilities for more than 30 years: * Solar PV electric, * Solar Thermal heating for DHW and space heating and cooling including electric power generation. * large utility scale wind power plants; also residential vertical, small foot print wind turbines. * Bio diesel plants - feed stocks, process equipments, production. * Energy conservation, co generation projects * Traditional engineering svcs for commercial, industrial bldgs.
- Business type: Professional Services, exporter, importer
- Product types: energy efficiency, Solar electricity and Cooling/Heating, CSP Power, bio and Land fill gas to generator, bio fuel & diesel, wind power plants, co-generation systems, carbon trading. .
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, project development services, financial services, architectural design services
- Address: 8 Packard Road, Suite 1, East Brunswick, New Jersey USA 08816
- Telephone: 732-390-8069
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to PDR Assocs Energy Corp
Charles Vail, Inc.
- Product types: biomass energy systems.
- Address: 7333 Town Court South, Lawrenceville, New Jersey USA 08648
- Telephone: 609-275-7066
- FAX: 609-275-8029
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