Wind Energy Contractor Businesses in New York

EmmyEnergy - Renewable Rochester - Sun Shack -


Business Name: EmmyEnergyDescription: EmmyEnergy is a distributor of Wind, Solar (PV) and Solar Thermal products that produce energy, efficiency and help lower energy bills immediately upon installation. EmmyEnergy is a subsidiary of THE EMMY COMPANIES, a building and development organization on Long Island that has provided beautiful, affordable homes, apartments, townhouses and hi-rise condominiums continuously for almost 50 years. It became clear that our energy usage and conservation practices had to be upgraded to face the dwindling supplies and our increasing dependence of foreign sources of fossil fuels. We therefore became the first developer to receive Energy Star certification and have produced more than 150 homes to their demandi...

Renewable Rochester

Renewable Rochester is a New York based solar installer and energy supplier. We design and install solar electric systems, and net zero energy systems for homes, small commercial businesses, schools and educational centers in the Rochester New York area. Our goal is to provide the best service, And the best products to our customers to make them have a product that will last for many years. We offer a 100% local workforce and your system, is our system, and we are proud of our results!

Sun Shack

Alternative energy products and systems shipped anywhere in the world. Solar electricity, photovoltaics, pool heating systems, water heating systems, wind turbines, wind generators, camper and boat electric systems. small solar powered devices, solar battery chargers, inverters, consulting and design, catalog sales.

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