Packaged Power System Engineering Businesses in Ohio
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1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc. -
1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
1stPower provides field proven reliability in its cost effective, well-engineered power products. These product solutions cover the production, conditioning, and control of AC and DC power in a wide range of environments. These rugged products meet the demands and rigors of military, government, industrial, medical and telecommunications sectors. Mobile applications include shipboard, submarine, vehicular, aircraft and field deployment. Stationary applications consist of factories, process plants, utilities, networks, even offshore platforms, and desert installations. The PowerStation and MilitaryPower® product lines are comprised of intelligent UPS, power distribution units, frequency converters, and battery systems. The intelligent featu...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, consulting, design, engineering, research/development, exporter
- Product types: backup power systems, battery, batteries, battery accessories, battery cables, battery chargers, battery charge controllers, battery containers, custom battery, military battery, telecommunication battery, renewable energy system battery, medical equipment battery, marine battery, industrial battery, emergency backup battery, computer and electronic components, DC to AC power inverters, DC to DC power converters, hybrid power systems, fuel cell systems, fuel powered electric generators, marine power systems, packaged power systems, photovoltaic system, portable power systems, solar electric charge controllers, solar energy, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, tactical power supplies, telecommunications power systems, wind energy, large wind energy system components, small wind energy system component.
- Address: 219 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio USA 44902-1845
- Telephone: 419-522-4444
- FAX: 419-522-4466
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to 1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
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