Geothermal Energy System Component Consulting Businesses in Texas

Adsorption Chiller - Southwest Research Institute -

Adsorption Chiller

ADSORPTION CHILLER. Doubts regarding absorption chillers? Now, efficient energy conservation utilizing a waste heat driven ADsorption Chiller is attainable, which can replace an absorption chiller. It has tremendous flexibility, controlling down to "0%" load, without three-way control valves. It can produce chilled water temperatures down to 37o.4F. It can use variable hot water flows and temperatures ranging from 194 to as low as 122oF. Cooling water temperatures do not require controlling. It can be ran 24/7 year around with negligible maintenance and is available with a 15 year limited warranty. HIJC USA introduces new low temperature chiller down to 23F. WEB Site

Southwest Research Institute

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) works with users, suppliers, and manufacturers of gas turbines, providing technical services, expertise, and research facilities to meet the challenge to design, construct, and operate reliable and efficient turbines that meet market needs and respect the environment. Engineering Services for gas turbines, steam turbines, turbomachinery, and associated plant systems include: Troubleshooting, Root Cause Failure Analysis, Performance Diagnosis, Design Assurance, Materials & Coatings Selection, Procurement Support, Life Management & Extension, Aero-Thermal Analysis, Blade Vibration Testing.

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