Backup Power System Consulting Businesses in Utah
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Utah |
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Alternative Power Systems, Inc. - Green Energy Systems - Intermountian Wind and Solar - Solar Unlimited Energy & Homes, Inc. - Wasatch Sun - Batteries Plus - Gardner Engineering - Gardner Engineering - Solar Volts LLC - Sustainable Solutions -
Alternative Power Systems, Inc.
Alternative Power Systems, Inc. is a full service, licensed renewable energy contractor. Over 30 years combined experience and the only NABCEP certified designer/installer in Southern Utah. Our company is committed to providing practical alternatives to conventional energy consumption. We serve our customers in two ways; first we design, install and service renewable energy systems, including solar, wind, hydro and generators for residential and commercial in both grid-tied and off-grid situations. In addition, we also maintain a wide inventory of renewable energy products to supply retail customers.
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, batteries lead acid sealed AGM, wind energy systems (small), solar thermal energy, backup power systems, batteries VRLA.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 1038 West Industrial Road, Cedar City, Utah USA 84720-4141
- Telephone: 435-586-9181
- FAX: 435-586-9181
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Alternative Power Systems, Inc.
Green Energy Systems
We design, sell, service and install solar systems, wind energy systems, generators, solar water systems, hybrid energy systems and back-up batteries. We are focused on residential, commercial and farming applications. We can assist you in installing the best system for the least out of pocket cost. Then help you receive back all the money in tax credits, incentives and rebates entitled to you. We are committed to helping you make the most affordable decisions on Going GREEN.
- Business type: retail sales, design and installation
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, backup power systems, solar thermal energy, wind energy systems (small), hybrid power systems, solar thermal energy.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: 1316 South 400 East, Suite B5, St. George, Utah USA 84790
- Telephone: 435-67-GREEN (4-7336)
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Green Energy Systems
Intermountian Wind and Solar
Intermountain Wind and Solar is excited to come and visit your site and help you find the right application for solar or wind power systems. One of our professional, well trained, employees will come and evaluate your site and help locate and size your system to your needs. There are many things to consider and we are here to help you make the right choice.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: solar thermal energy, hybrid power systems, wind energy systems (small), photovoltaic systems, backup power systems, energy efficient homes and buildings.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 1953 W. 2425 S., Woods Cross, Utah USA 84087
- Telephone: 801-298-5255
- FAX: 801-298-5355
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Intermountian Wind and Solar
Solar Unlimited Energy & Homes, Inc.
Solar Unlimited Energy & Homes, Inc. Providing all your solar energy needs since 1998. Using our renewable energy products allows you to reduce your electric bill, sell power back to the utility company, have back up power, or generate your own power and cut your fossill fuel consumption at the same time. Whether it's power for a remote cabin or off-setting a large utility bill, solar energy can work for you. Licensed, Bonded & Insured in Utah and Nevada NABCEP Certified
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: Sales, service and installation of solar, wind, generators, hydro and batteries. For residential, commercial and farming. We have hundreds of satisfied customers, and we can provide you with customer references, testimonials or tours of solar homes. .
- Service types: Design, sales, installation &service of any system.
- Address: 2353 Park Ave, Cedar City, Utah USA 84721
- Telephone: (435) 867-9876
- FAX: (435) 867-8920
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Solar Unlimited Energy & Homes, Inc.
Wasatch Sun
Wasatch Sun provides a complete energy solution for reducing you consumption as well as eliminating your electric bill. With multiple skills from solar design to general construction; we can provide a complete solution from start to finish without the need of outside help.
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, backup power systems, wind energy systems (small), photovoltaic systems commercial, energy efficient homes and buildings, portable power systems, SIP - Structural Insulated Panels.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, architectural design services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 4967 Weatherwood Lane, Herriman, Utah USA 84096
- Telephone: 801-953-9844
- FAX: 801-446-9326
- Web Site:
Batteries Plus
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, distributor
- Product types: backup power systems, batteries industrial, batteries camcorder, batteries cellular phone, batteries deep cycle, batteries lead acid, Batteries ALL TYPES.
- Service types: installation, recycling services
- Address: 852 West Hillfield Road, Layton, Utah USA 84041
- Telephone: 801-544-7111
- FAX: 801-544-8111
Gardner Engineering
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, backup power systems, hydro energy system components (small), wind power plants.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 5875 S. Adams Ave. Parkway, Ogden, Utah USA 84405
- Telephone: 801-476-0202
Gardner Engineering
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, backup power systems, hydro energy system components (small), wind power plants.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 5875 S. Adams Ave. Parkway, Ogden, Utah USA 84405
- Telephone: 801-476-0202
Solar Volts LLC
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, backup power systems, batteries renewable energy system, DC to AC power inverters sine wave, energy efficient lighting.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, contractor services
- Address: 4570 South Commerce Drive #200, Murray, Utah USA 84107
- Telephone: 801-266-1520
- FAX: 801-266-1560
Sustainable Solutions
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar electric power systems, remote home power systems, backup power systems, photovoltaic systems, solar tracking systems, DC to AC power inverters.
- Service types: consulting, design, project development services
- Address: HC13 Box 300-7, Fairview, Utah USA 84629
- Telephone: 801-368-8967
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