Alternative Home And Building Construction Material Businesses in Austria

O.Oe. Energiesparverband - Entech-Labor -

O.Oe. Energiesparverband

Objectives: promoting the rational and ecological use of energy; promoting the use of renewable energy; disseminating information about new developments in energy technology. The target groups for our services are private households, trade and industry (esp. SMEs), local, regional and national authorities, the European Commission, professional associations, public administrative bodies in Austria, the other EU member states and the neighbouring Central and Eastern European countries. O.Oe. Energiesparverband is a non-profit association with 32 members from the regional administration, the energy industry, energy consultancies, professional associations and enterprises involved in energy technology. ESV is a member of the OPET network, the ...


Renewable Energy in Harmony with the Environment - research after energy for the future. A new technology has been developed and the prototype of an environmentally friendly power unit is to be introduced. Our concern is to enable sustainable industrial development by means of new, environmentally friendly technologies.

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