Cogeneration System Engineering Businesses in Belgium

Biogas Production Increase Experts - VMI Engineering & Contracting NV - Johan Carels -

Biogas Production Increase Experts

We have a biotechnology and a technology that helps producing between + 15 % and +25 % biogas for same input substrates. Very good customer references. We are paid on results only : we get a percentage of the additional revenues and costs savings we bring to the customers. We are looking for new serious distributors/partners in some countries active in the biogas and/or Sludge/Waste Water Treatment Plant sectors.

VMI Engineering & Contracting NV

VMI Engineering & Contracting NV provides full service engineering and contracting in the field of energy and electricity: production, distribution and protection of electrical energy, engineering of special techniques applied in buildings and building construction. We offer integrated solutions, from preliminary study over detailed engineering and co-ordination of works to complete after sales service.

Johan Carels

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