Photovoltaic System Research and Development Businesses in Bulgaria

Apex Solar Ltd - Chepakov - Geo55 Ltd. - Kmnr Ood - Renergon - Satori Consulting Ltd. - OptiEnergy Group -

Apex Solar Ltd

Engineering, Procurement of PV modules and system components for PV parks, Construction & Maintenance


Our company has several years of experience in the area of renewable technologies. At the moment our most popular products are wind turbines (in the power range 300W-20kW), hydro turbines (300W-30kW), solar panels, VRLA batteries, inverters and all the accessories needed for the establishment of a small eco power station.

Geo55 Ltd.

We provide expert assistance at all stages of a photovoltaic, wind power or hydropower project development. We also offer ready projects with all required documentation.

Kmnr Ood

KMNR`s consulting services can cover the full range of project development up to the finalization of the entire project with hand-over of the keys. If the contracting entity employs own specialists for some parts of the project KMNR is happy to collaborate with these resources on a partnership base.


Satori Consulting Ltd.

We are an international business consultancy based in Sofia, Bulgaria and operating mostly in Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Greece and Israel. Our spheres of expertise include investment and management/operational consulting in developments projects in renewable energy; recycling; water and waste management; pharmaceutics; paper production; IT and innovation. We offer project management, advisory and extensive support, including legal, in mergers and acquisitions.

OptiEnergy Group

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