Appliance Export Businesses in Canada
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Engineered Systems Incorporated -
Engineered Systems Incorporated
Engineered Systems Incorporated is a small, growing LaSalle, Ontario, Canada based, wholly owned, private company. This 100% Canadian corporation specializes in product development, design and materials acquisition and competes on the global stage as a key design and development firm. The company has complete electronic, electrical and mechanical design facilities running the best state of the art software platforms on custom-built machines for maximum performance. The best in design, development, test, purchasing, production, management and administration recognized by IPC, SMTA, OACETT, IEEE and more importantly by our customers. Services that we provide:1. ) Product Engineering & Development (from concept through to production) 2. ) Prin...
- Business type: Renewable Energy & Electronics Manufacturer, wholesale supplier, import & export
- Product types: Solar Panel Production, wind turbine production, RE facility design and development, LED lighting, consumer appliances, air filtering and purification system components, automotive wiring systems & automotive LED lighting, custom assemblies, contract assemblies, SMT rework and repair, communications systems, power supply systems, solar power system....
- Service types: EPC contracting, full facility & OEM, Design, consulting, SMT Rework & Repair, manufacturing.
- Address: 2755 Lauzon Parkway, Windsor, Ontario Canada N8T 3H5
- Telephone: (519) 962-9151
- FAX: (519) 962-9157
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Engineered Systems Incorporated
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