Biomass Energy Construction Businesses in Canada
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Canada |
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C & C Construction Group - Eagle Specialized Coatings And Protected Environments - Flotech Group - Naanovo Energy Inc. - RENTEC Renewable Energy Technologies Inc. - A1 Biofuels Ltd - Belec Micro Industries -
C & C Construction Group
- Product types: wind power plants, solar electric power systems, biomass energy biofuel ethanol, biomass energy biorefinery.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: 126 Green Street, Sarnia, ON Canada N7T7K2
- Telephone: 519-336-3430
- FAX: 519-336-8578
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to C & C Construction Group
Eagle Specialized Coatings And Protected Environments
Western North American and Canadian distributor for Super Therm Ceramic Insulation coating alternative to fiberglass. SuperTherm is a true insulating coating and outperforms reflective paints. Other areas of expertise include Thermal, Fire, Corrosion, Water, Concrete and Graffiti control. While we do specialize in Commercial \ Industrial protective coatings; we are really in the business of solving problems. Whatever the problem, we offer a long term solution.
- Product types: energy efficient homes and buildings, cathodic protection systems, air cooling system components, air heating system components, alternative home and building construction materials, biomass energy system components, Super Therm Ceramic Insulation coating alternative to fiberglass. SuperTherm is a true insulating coating and outperforms reflective paints..
- Service types: Thermal, Fire, Corrosion, Water, Concrete, Graffiti
- Address: 18523 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, British Columbia Canada V3S 8E7
- Telephone: 604-576-2212
- FAX: 604-576-7773
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Eagle Specialized Coatings And Protected Environments
Flotech Group
Flotech Group is a global leader of Gas Compression packages including reciprocating piston, rotary screw and rotary sliding vane. We also provide fuel / gas supply for engines and gas turbines. Biogas processing is a specialty of ours. Flotech Limited are world-class designers and manufacturers of heat transfer equipment. Flotech Heat Transfer solutions feature robust industrial strength construction and efficient designs, which optimise available environmental resources and cost. Flotech have developed in-house heat transfer software for specific applications and in addition, use proprietary heat transfer design packages including Aspentech BJAC. Contact Flotech today for more details on their services.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: heat exchangers, biomass energy biofuel, Oil Coolers and Fin Fan Coolers.
- Service types: construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: #253 - 5489 Byrne Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5J 3J1
- Telephone: 604-568-9042
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Flotech Group
Naanovo Energy Inc.
Affordable and efficient modular incineration technologies that convert municipal solid waste and biomass into electricity without harmful emissions. byproducts include potable water, scrap metal and cinder blocks. Also cost effective concentrated solar power systems convert the sun's energy into electricity using parabolic troughs and steam turbines and generators. Thermal storage can be added for extended hours of operation after the sun goes down. PV systems convert the suns radiation directly to electricity by converting protons into electrons. All systems produce commercial quantities (megawatts) of electricity without using fossil fuels. Naanovo is a project developer and encourages in-country equity partners & JVs.
- Business type: supplier of waste to energy and solar power sytems
- Product types: Waste to Energy (WTE)systems, Biomass Power Plants, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems and Photovoltaic (PV) systems. .
- Service types: solid waste disposal, power generation
- Address: 396 Mockingbird Drive, Ottawa, Ontario Canada k1E 2v4
- Telephone: 6138240533
- FAX: 2146029580
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Naanovo Energy Inc.
RENTEC Renewable Energy Technologies Inc.
From pre-project evaluation to Completion - Turnkey planning, design, consulting and development of bioenergy plants & projects.
- Business type: combinaton balanced biogenics facilities project development - sustainable bio - energy systems
- Product types: [agro] bio-energy systems & plants, biological feed - fuel - energy - fertilizer systems design and plant development. Organic energy development from organic residuals (waste) processing systems. Optimized food - feed - biofuel technologies and systems. .
- Address: Box 24, 727 Lansdowne Street West, Peterborough, Ontario Canada K9J 6Y5
- Telephone: (705) 201-1195
- FAX: (705) 201-1194
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to RENTEC Renewable Energy Technologies Inc.
A1 Biofuels Ltd
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: biomass energy biofuel.
- Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, financial services, contractor services
- Address: 8-1180 Cecile Drive, Vancouver, Bc Canada V3H 1N1
Belec Micro Industries
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: wind turbines (small) vertical axis, biomass energy biofuel biodiesel, wind energy systems (small), wind energy towers and structures (small), Sun Consentrating Dish Systems.
- Service types: design, testing services
- Address: 697 Government Rd West, Chaput Hughes, Ontario Canada P0k 1A0
- Telephone: 1 705 567 5052
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