Earth Sheltered Home And Building Construction Businesses in Canada
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Prairie Panels Ltd. - Qmata Eco-Heating & Plumbing Inc. -
Prairie Panels Ltd.
For all your hockey rink, soccer arenas, tennis courts, supplies give us a call. For repairs to existing hockey rinks re a new board system or glass replacement we can do it all. We can make the board system or install your boards. Also any additions to your buildings like a new Zambonie room or change room renovations. We can assist there as well. Prairie Panels is also an expert in the installation of the double bubble aluminum foil two sides suspended ceiling systems. Call for an estimate or a quote. This will assist your rink in saving money in a very reasonable length of time.
- Product types: alternative homes and buildings, alternative home and building construction materials. Re SIP insulated panels. www. energysmarthomes. ca is our SIP website for more information. .
- Service types: installation, construction, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: #122-2002 Quebec Ave, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7K 1W4
- Telephone: 1-306-249-4130
- FAX: 1-306-249-6412
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Prairie Panels Ltd.
Qmata Eco-Heating & Plumbing Inc.
Qmata Eco-Heating & Plumbing Inc. is an innovative company, with a new approach based on a traditional heating & plumbing paradigm. Qmata's primary focus is in providing client options (systems) thatConserve Energy Conserve Water Enhance water quality Incorporate Natural- "Back to basics" design
- Product types: solar water heating systems, alternative home and building construction materials, energy efficient homes and buildings, waste heat recovery systems, geothermal energy systems, earth sheltered homes and buildings.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services
- Address: PO Box 18, Lantzville, Bc Canada V0R2H0
- Telephone: (250) 465-1415
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Qmata Eco-Heating & Plumbing Inc.
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