Hybrid Power System Construction Businesses in Canada

Bomar Energy Inc. - WindSolap Technology Co - Sirra Inc -

Bomar Energy Inc.

We are a diversified renewable energy company and we will give you an overview of the technologies and products we employ to meet your remote power or air treatment applications anywhere in the world. Our autonomous power section includes a host of products and systems that supply off-grid, grid-intertie and back-up electrical power while our energy efficiency section offers an overview of the innovative systems we utilize for residential, industrial or commercial make-up, such as, air, ventilation, crop drying and humdificiation requirements. So have a look at information that follows and feel free to call us at: Toll Free 1.866.464.8503 or 1.905.664.8503, fax at 1.905.664.4511, sales@bomarenergy.ca or info@bomarenergy.ca or careers@bo...

WindSolap Technology Co

WindSolaP is a global provider of green energy solutions, focusing mainly on Wind Power, Solar power, and hybrid (wind-Solar) power systems for customers of all sizes and diverse needs. WindSolaP works will clients around the globe to engineer, develop, install and maintain green energy solutions that meets their needs; be it large scale Solar Power installations, large scale Wind Power installations or super large scale hybrid (Wind-solar) power installations. If you have a requirement for;1) Solar Power, Wind Power, Hybrid (Wind-Solar) Power;2) Solar LED Street or Parking Lot lighting, or Industrial LED Lighting, 3) Large scale wind-solar power plant, from few MW to hundreds of MW, please contact us. For all your Green Energy Power needs,...

Sirra Inc

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