Marine Battery Export Businesses in Canada

Surrette Battery Company Limited - Silicone Batteries Inc. -

Surrette Battery Company Limited

Surrette Battery is one of North America's leading lead-acid battery manufacturers. Established in 1935, with a production facility in Salem, Massachusetts, Surrette relocated to Canada in 1959 and is the Nation's only remaining independent battery manufacturer. At our ISO 9001 registered production facilities in Springhill, Nova Scotia, we manufacture a full range of batteries for railroad, marine, motive power and renewable energy applications. With complete distribution throughout North America, and customers around the World, our batteries are considered the best and toughest for the specific markets we serve.

Silicone Batteries Inc.

Silicone Rechargeable Power Batteries is the first and only Certified Green Battery that is taking the battery industry by surprise. The silicone batteries silicate compound electrolyte can be safely used as a fertilizer after the life-cycle of the battery, GYM series life-cycle is up to 10 years. Silicone Rechargeable Batteries can be rapidly discharged at 30C in 8 seconds with no damage to the battery and rapidly recharged in 20 minutes. Silicone Batteries can be fully recharged over 400 times, lead-acid batteries approximately 200 times. Furthermore, Silicone Rechargeable Batteries work normally at -50C to +70C, because of no battery memory the Silicone Battery is the most dependable in harsh temperatures.

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