Photovoltaic Cell Manufacturing Equipment Retail Businesses in France
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Arena Technologies
Arena technologies has developped specific processes to recycle the silicon ingot cuts and fall-out, blocks, wings, . . with all kinds of impurities. The process is saving significant amount of silicon compared to usual techniques and is easily competing in terms of price and silicon savings( yield>97%). We act as subcontractors for manufacturers producing their own ingots, bricks and wafers. Thin film recycling process and standard panel recycling being developped, several processes already available.
- Business type: High quality Silicon etching services for the PV industry
- Product types: Silicon etching and crushing for the photovoltaic industry, thin film panels recycling. Poly Blocks (top, tails, sidewalls) and ingots, mono wings and ingots reclaiming for reuse. Packaging according to customer requirements, from the cheapest big bags in pallets to the highest quality ( double pe bags). Ultra low contamination. .
- Service types: silicon etching, silicon chunk crushing, silicon reclaiming
- Address: 103, Av. des Chasseens, ZI Avon, Gardanne, France F-13120
- Telephone: +33 (0) 442 61 22 45
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Arena Technologies
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