Photovoltaic System Research and Development Businesses in France

VOLTEC Solar - Sunworks - Internat Energy Solutions - Solems S. A. -


Manufacturer of solar panels


Manufacturer of solar charge controllers for leisure, marine and industrial applications. Design service for solar energy systems and controllers.

Internat Energy Solutions

Internat Energy Solutions is an engineering company, committed to the protection of the environment, through extensive use of renewable energies. Our mission is to be an active partner in Sustainable Development and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We propose to our customers a full range of services to enable them to achieve significant savings in their energy consumption, and to minimize the environmental impact through extensive use of energy saving techniques and renewable energies. i. e. : Energy Audit, definition of requirements and feasibility studies. The Bilan Carbone method - For assesing green house gas emissions. Design of appropriate systems using Renewable Energies, such as Solar Thermal Water Hea...

Solems S. A.

Manufacturer of indoor solar cells and solar modules, including very small sizes. Amorphous silicon technology. Standard and custom design size / voltage. Development of flexible cells. Manufacturer of radiation sensors : low cost solar energy meters, lux and PAR sensors. Designer and supplier of solar systems : crystalline silicon modules, controllers, batteries, converters and other components.

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