Photovoltaic Module Manufacturing Equipment Consulting Businesses in Germany
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Germany |
Photovoltaic Module Manufacturing Equipment Businesses in the World |
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KUKA Systems GmbH - bd- Enertech: Energy and Technologies - Manz Automation AG -
KUKA Systems GmbH
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services
- Address: Bluecherstrasse 144, Augsburg, Bavaria Germany 86165
- Telephone: +49 821 797-0
- FAX: +49 821 797-1991
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to KUKA Systems GmbH
bd- Enertech: Energy and Technologies
bd-Enertech - Energy and Technologies was established on October 2010 and located in Germersheim, Germany. In the first stage, we introduced three advanced equipment for the mono-crystal silicon processing line from America, Italy, Germany, Hungary, etc. Our company is specialized in manufacturing solar cells, solar modules and other Photovoltaic products. We have 75MW solar cell production line, 200MW solar module production line and professional solar lamp production line. Our products are characterized of environmental protection, low pollution, safety, energy-saving and long life, etc. The company take "honesty, trustworthiness, innovation, mutual win-win" basis, is committed to meet customer needs as the criterion. . .
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor
- Product types: air cooling systems, DC to AC power inverters, hybrid power systems, hydro energy systems (small), photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic modules manufacturing equipment, Solar street lights, solar pump systems, PV panels.
- Service types: consulting, installation, construction, recycling services, sales
- Address: Glacisstrasse 3, Germersheim, Rheinland Pfalz Germany 76726
- Telephone: 0049-1799768689
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to bd- Enertech: Energy and Technologies
Manz Automation AG
Manz Automation AG develops and manufactures systems and components for automation, quality assurance and laser process technology. The company's core competences are to be found in robotics, image processing, laser technology and control technology.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: Automation and production systems for the photovoltaic technology in the fields of silicon solar and thinfilm solar. Products: high-speed cell tester and sorter with integrated vision system, systems for laser edge insulation, machanical scribing, laser scribing, robot handling and automation..
- Address: Steigaeckerstrasse 5, Reutlingen, Germany 72768
- Telephone: +49 7121 90 00 0
- FAX: +49 7121 90 00 99
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Manz Automation AG
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